You Need To Wake Up

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Casey-"Uncle Ben?"

Ben-"Yeah it's me kiddo". (smiles)

Casey-"What happend, where am I?"

Ben-"Well I would say the same place that I am, but you aren't".

Casey-"Wait so I'm sleeping, but still breathing?"

Ben-"Yes, when Barrett stabbed you another chemical got into you, it was suppose to last a week, but it has almost been a year now".

Casey-"A year, oh no what about the others?"

Ben-"They are fine, Peter and Colton are worried sick though".

Casey-"Uncle Ben I have to make a decision don't I?"

Ben-"Yeah you do, you either decide to stay sleeping wait for the tests to be done, or you need to wake up".

Casey-"How am I just suppose to wake up?"

Ben-"You'll know". (smiles and starts to walk)

Casey-"Wait Uncle Ben!"


Casey-"It was good to see you". (hugs him)

Ben-"Good to see you too hun, now get back to the others, also remember with great power comes great responsibility". (vanishes)

Tony-"What does the scan say?"

Bruce-"She's having some type of dream or vison".

Peter-"Does it tell what it's about?"

Bruce-"Yeah it's telling her she has a decision to either wake up or stay sleeping".

Tony-"Wait what is it typing out?"

Peter-"With great power come great responsibility".

May-"She's dreaming about Ben". (smiles)

Colton-"She's probably talking to him about what has happend".

Bruce-"Rather yet he's telling her what to do".

Peter-"Come on Casey". (holds her hand)

Happy-"Give it time, it's her brain that's telling her what to do also you uncle".

Rodney-"We need her back". (sighs)

Steve-"I know we do".

Fury-"Barrett told me what chemical he put in the knife, it was something Toomes gave him".

Maria-"He also said Toomes told him it would last a week or two, but it turns out he lied when we went to talk to him he just started to laugh".

Peter-"He should be glad his ass is in jail". (starts to get angry)

MJ-(calms him down) "She will wake up okay".

Ned-"Just give her brain sometime to think".

Colton-"I agree with Ned as much as I want her back right now, it's her brain that's making the decison and with the help of her vision".

Thor-(walks in) "Hey the suits are done".


Tony-"Oh yeah everyone got an upgrade".

Luke-"Let's go try them on".

They go and try their suits on

Pepper-"That should keep their minds off of this for a bit".

Bruce-"I hope so".

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