A Night Out

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"So, you and Boscha, huh?" Luz asked teasingly as she and Willow walked onto the Nassau dock.

"I can't really believe she asked either, but I did say I wanted to know her better, so who am I to complain?" Willow replied, blushing slightly.

"What are you two even planning on doing? Nassau may be a fun place, but..."

Right beside the duo, a man smashed a bottle over another's head, then threw him to the ground.

"It's not the most romantic." Luz joked.

"Well, every other port in the Carribean knows I'm a pirate, so it's either here, or risk getting caught somewhere else."

"Fair enough. Did she tell you to meet her anywhere?"

"I'm gonna wait for her on the beach. Where are you gonna go?"

"Amity asked me to have dinner with her."


"It's not like that! Sure she's cute, and she is an amazing fighter, but she definitely doesn't think about me like that." Luz denied.

"Are you sure?" Willow teased.

"Plenty sure."

Back on her ship, Amity looked at herself in the mirror, a serious look on her face.

"I have a date with the cutest pirate in the Carribean. But it is going to be awkward, I mean we did both try and kill each other. I need to talk to her, let her know the kind of person I really am. If Boscha is doing it, there's no reason I can't." she said to herself, attempting to boost her confidence

She put on one of her nicer coats, tied her hair up as usual, and cleaned off her face.

"I've got this." she said once more.

Suddenly, her cabin door swung open,

"You done talking to yourself yet?" Boscha asked.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready?" Amity asked, annoyed by the interruption.

"Oh I've been ready for hours. I just came to tell you we made it to Nassau."


"What, do you need more time prettying yourself up?" Boscha joked.

"No! Just order the crew to drop anchor, and prepare a boat. I'll be out in a moment."

Boscha smirked at her Captain, then turned to the crew, shouting out orders. Amity looked back in the mirror, double checking her appearance, and just taking in the fact she was even doing this.

"I'm in love with a pirate? What would they even say when they learn?" Amity said, a feeling of worry overtaking her.

Before the panic could overwhelm her, the thought of Luz came to Amity's mind. Even if she was a pirate, she was kind, cheerful, and loveable. What was to be ashamed of? Amity shook her head,

"They don't ever need to know." she said as she exited her cabin.

A half hour passed, and as Boscha walked across the beach, she spotted Willow, and Willow saw her right back. Boscha sped up her walking and quickly reached the pirate.

"Hey." Boscha greeted, already feeling flustered.

"Hi!" Willow replied, feeling a little nervous herself.

"So, uh, you know this place a lot better than I do. Anything you recommend we do?"

Willow thought for a moment,

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