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After a good day of sailing, The Defiance, beaten and weakened, had reached Tortuga. The lights from the city shined brightly in the darkness of the night, and the crew couldn't help but look at it with joy. Tortuga may have been a cruel place, filled with some of the worst pirates on the seas, but never had the crew been so happy to reach land. Not after the beating they just took.

The ship closed in the docks, then quickly dropped anchor. Not even a minute after, a harbormaster approached, notebook in hand. He eyed the damage on the ship, then scribbled some words down. Eda walked to the ship's railing, about to speak, only to be cut off,

"Don't say anything. I already know. You need repairs. Damage doesn't look so bad, I'd say for a fair price my boys could fix this up for you by tomorrow morning." the harbormaster said.

"And just how much is this fair price?" Eda asked skeptically.

"I would say... a hundred shillings."

"Oh, wow, that's actually not bad. Thoughts you would be like that one guy in Kingston. Charged me 500 for a job he finished in 2 hours." Eda said with surprise.

"Everyone on this island may be a criminal of the worst sort, but I like to at least do things fairly."

"And I can respect that."

Eda reached into her coat, pulled out a coin pouch, and tossed it to the harbormaster.

"If you can give her a good cleaning too, I'll throw in a bonus."

"I'll keep that in mind. You and your crew can enjoy yourselves, we'll get started momentarily." he said as he admired the money.

Eda turned back to her crew, cleared her throat, then spoke,

"Alright! I want all of you to head into town and find us some new recruits! We lost 17 men to the Blights, but you're more than welcome to bring more! Just make sure they can sail, fire a cannon, and swing a sword! Now get to it!"

The crew rushed off the ship, flooding onto the dock and into the town, running into the nearest store or tavern they saw. Luz and Willow fell behind, watching the wild men disperse across the island.

"So... are any of them actually gonna do what Eda said to?" Luz asked.

"Oh, definitely not. They always do this." Willow answered with irritation in her voice.

"Well, I for one actually like doing what the captain says. I'll go find an Inn or something and see who I can bring back."

"I guess I'll look around the streets. It's mostly filled with drunks, but you usually find a few good ones. We can meet back at the docks around midnight."

"Can do!" Luz said as she rushed off into town.

Willow smiled a little. At least there was one crewmate she could count on. Well, actually two if you include Gus, but he was back on the ship. She sighed, then walked towards the crazed streets of Tortuga. 

A few hundred meters from meters from shore, Amity's ship, back in prime condition, had anchored. Boscha eyed the town through a spyglass, a look of shock on her face.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." 

"Language Boscha." Amity commented as she stepped beside her.

"Do you not see what's out there?! We just followed The Defiance without even knowing it!"


Amity snatched the spyglass from Boscha's hand, then stared at the dock for a moment. She flattened the spyglass and gave it back to Boscha.

"Well, think of this as a good thing." Amity said optimistically.

Pirates, Royals, and Lovers (Owl House Pirate AU)Where stories live. Discover now