Chapter 6

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"What are you going to do in Arithmancy?" Adrian asked. "I dunno. Sit alone, I suppose." Alhena shrugged. She had been avoiding Willow for weeks now, and Adrian was forced to take her under his wing. 

"You're going to have to resolve this at some point." He sighed. "I can't babysit you forever." He finished his meal. "You're not babysitting. We're friends." Alhena frowned, staring down the table to where Willow sat. Talking to a couple of other Slytherin girls.

"Graham won't stop bullying me, he thinks we're secretly dating, and not to mention I know you and Willow miss each other. She's tried to fix things, it seems you're the only one who isn't. Christmas break is tomorrow."

"Well I didn't tell her nemesis her biggest insecurity." Alhena scoffed, pushing her plate away from her. "Stop trying to get rid of me." She faced him. "I'm doing no such thing." He raised his hands as a plea for his innocence. "But I think she and Oliver are having problems, which means she'll need a friend."

"I fucking hope they're having problems." Alhena folded her arms across her chest. "He's a piece of shit who doesn't deserve her." She sighed. "Then go fix it." Adrian laughed. "No." 


Alhena was angry with herself for neglecting to pack until the night before, and found herself rushing around her dorm collecting her things. She'd never gone home for the Christmas break, and so she hadn't prepared herself. 

Willow sat on her bed, dead silent as she had been for the past week. Occasionally looking up as Alhena aggressively jammed things into her suitcase, conflicted on whether she dared bring up the elephant in the room. 

"Are you an Adrian dating?" Willow spoke, and Alhena was both shocked and infuriated at her uncalled for curiosity. "No." Alhena pegged a few clothing items at the case. "Are you and Oliver still dating?" She asked bitterly. 

"We're in a bit of a fight.." Willow responded softly, and Alhena scoffed. She'd known this day would come. "My expectations for the length of your relationship were on the floor, but it seems it lasted even less than I anticipated." She added coldly, and Willow said nothing. 

"So who initiated the fight, did you tell one of his secrets?" Alhena sat on her suitcase to compress her belongings. "It was mutual. We don't get along as well as I thought we did." Willow spoke quietly. "Really? Don't work? Who would've guessed? Certainly not me."

"Can you not." Willow sighed in exasperation. "I've apologised a thousand times.." She began. "I regret it, it was a mistake and I am sorry, once again. I don't defend my actions but I don't understand why you're still ignoring me." She groaned. 

Alhena finished zipping up her case, but stayed seated on it, facing the other way. "You spend all day every day with Adrian, because you have no one else. You'd rather be alone rather than forgive me." She pleaded. 

"Adrians good company and he doesn't tell my secrets." Alhena spun around, scowling at her. "Please, Alhena. I'm alone too." Willow sat back on her bed, and Alhena's heart softened a little. Perhaps her fight with Oliver was painful, even if Alhena didn't think Oliver important enough. 

"Okay." Alhena swallowed. "Tell me the story.." She shrugged, and Willow looked up, eyes wide. "Really?" She smiled. "Yes. What happened with you and Oliver?"


Alhena stepped off the train, dragging her suitcase over a dip in the pavement. She paused for a moment to search the station for a familiar face, someone from her household, but quickly realised she was blocking the exit. 

Willow had offered to stay with her until she found who was taking her home, but Alhena's parents wouldn't approve of Willow, seeing as she wasn't a pureblood. Alhena guessed that it'd be a house elf sent to retrieve her, so she wasn't at all surprised to find fib, one of the black family house elves, waiting in a secluded corner. 

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