Ch 46- Jogging

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"Mommmm you awake?"


Karan called out peeking inside, pushing the door open before taking a walk in, entering his mom's room. Nearing her bed who was slept hugging the blanket close to her chest, a wide smile tucked his face as he squatted down before her sleeping self, watching the cute adorable childlike grin on her calm face as she dreamt peacefully.

Not everyday he got the sight of his mom sleeping, at least not this early in the morning having woken up before her, making him smile and sigh proudly as he couldn't recall when was the last time he woke up earlier than her. It was another thing that he didn't sleep last night to get up today.

The excitement and nervousness of meeting Aditi early morning all alone again, and at the same time the fear of not getting up on time once slept, kept him awake whole night.

Changing the position, shifting sides after sides, turning left to right, right to left, and then straight up fixing at the ceiling he thought over the happening of the whole day, a long day of his life which he probably will never forget.

It was for the first time, Aman let out his feelings in front of him, asking him to not leave him alone rather than leaving, adding a few warm words 'Please don't' , before his usual cold ones 'leave me alone'. The words which he always felt but never heard, one which even his ears longed to listen.

And listening to it today, he couldn't be more happier to finally feel the glimpses of his old lost friend back, which he always truly believed was still there inside him and not dead as Aman always tells, and today was the proof that it was still somewhere in, just not able to find a way out.

It was lost, but soon was about to be found, and this time it was to be found in a way that it never gets lost again, and Karan knew it was Kanishka who was playing the major role in this find.

Nobody else gets on Aman's nerves like she does, making him do things he would never do from his own free will, forcing him to be his own true self, smiling the way he never does with anyone else. Nobody but Kanishka herself could make that difference, and Karan could feel the difference already in Aman.

It was also the day, he realised he was as special and important to Aditi, as much as she was to him. And it was not just about being called 'best friend' by her, but it was being treated like one when he needed it the most.

It was about the trust which she showed in him, coming after him even when he didn't probably deserve it, not at least after leaving her alone even when she asked him not to. She always tried to understand his part of the story thinking from his perspective, even when she had no reasons to do it exactly, as it was pretty clear he lied to her all those days.

It was that faith of hers in him which touched his heart. The faith, which was always the same, intact in her eyes, then be it before learning the truth, or be it after she knew it all. The look of her eyes never changed, the trust inside was never broken, making him feel special in himself, being someone who was trusted unconditionally, and genuinely cared about by her.

It was a beautiful feeling in itself, as he never thought before today, that he could ever have someone other than Aman himself who would understand him like the way he understands him, but now getting one he couldn't be more happier about it.

Feeling all elated reminiscing every small moment, from she asking him if he would always catch her from falling, to actually hugging him in excitement for a corn, when exactly the clock ticked 4:00 he never got to realize.

Getting up brushing his teeth, taking a warm shower to get rid of the night tiredness due to lack of sleep, he dried himself combing his hair neatly standing in front of mirror taking all his time to dress himself in his new black hoodie shirt and jogger black casual track pants. Grabbing a pair of matching white sneakers and his black wrist watch, he slipped in his phone inside his pocket, all set to leave for jogging by 5:00 a.m.

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