Ch 6-The Past

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"How can a lizard look better than me?"

Aman eyed the lizard on the wall as he stood styling his hair in front of the mirror stand. He made a weird face questioning himself, the one which would even scare away the lizard, as he got reminded of kanishka's comment on him the previous day.

As he was lost in his own thoughts speaking and mumbling things to himself while his hand styled his hair, he didn't realise when the door of his room opened and his mom entered.

"Comparing yourself with the lizard?? Lizard looks better isn't it?"

The words brought him out of his trance, turning his head he raised his eyebrows at his mom who was leaning on the wall with her hands folded neatly across her chest smirking at Aman.

"Say, say, what you found out after the comparison"

Aman shook his head, leaving out a sigh he turned back, going and picking up his bag which was lying on his bed. As he hung his bag on his shoulder, he quickly looked at his reflection before leaving but her words halted his steps.

"Don't hesitate, it's ok"

His mom smirked elbowing him as he walked past her ignoring her words, her eyes which were mocking him earlier turned all confused listening to him

"I found out how less lizard speaks compared to some people here"

Aman smirked turning his head a little looking at her from the corner of his eyes. He controlled his chuckle from escaping, watching her confused little eyes as she scratched her temple processing his words slowly in her mind.

As her eyes suddenly went broad from narrow, he quickly descended downstairs sensing the upcoming danger if he would stay there any longer.

"Ruk tujhe abhi batati hoon (Wait, let me show you)"

She ran downstairs behind him, but before she could reach he was already gone. He laughed listening to his mom yellings behind him as he started paddling ignoring each yells, but the very last one which caught his attention was

"Tu ghar aa aaj (You return home today!!!)"

He hit the brakes and turning back at his mom, he sticked his tongue out pulling his eyelid from his index finger at her teasingly infuriating her further. His eyes which were mocking at her went wide all of a sudden as he panicked leaping on to his cycle back paddling as fast as he could watching her remove the slippers from her leg.

As Aman panicked he almost fell in the process of quickly jumping on his cycle, watching which his mom couldn't control her laughter. Her anger was long gone and smiling one last smile she shook her head making her way back to the kitchen.

Taking a quick glance at her from a distance, his eyes travelled to her grinning face bringing about a wide grin on his own. Shaking his head gently, smiling at his mom's preety face for the last time he left for school, but not before whispering to himself

"I love you Mom"

Nobody he loves more, than his mom. He irritates her just to see that annoyed look on his mom's face which he loves watching. Though he never expresses his feelings openly to anyone, he expresses it through his teasings and annoying. Not everyone he jokes with, but the ones with whom he does are special indeed.

Reaching school early as usual he entered the class with not many people within. His eyes fell on Kanishka who scrunched her nose rolling her eyes watching him enter the classroom.

"Is she still on her decision!? She doesn't seem like"

Aman thought noticing Kanishka's facial expressions, he quickly averted his gaze from her as she noticed his eyes on her. He bit his tongue watching her step towards him.

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