Ch 55- Broken

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What did this happen?

When did this happen?

How did this happen?

Questioned Karan to himself mentally, tranced out in his thoughts grinning at Aditi's face flashing before his eyes making him smile captured, as every moment they've had together began replaying itself back, starting right from the day one when he first met her blue oceanic eyes falling over her, till the present day when he met her eyes after having mistakenly kissed on her cheeks.

Each and every small recall making him only grin harder having him gazing tranced out at his untouched dinner plate, rotating the loosely held spoon over it while his other hand rested on its elbows supporting his head from falling as he sat at the dinner table lost in his own world. Noticing all of which questioned his mom shaking him by his shoulder

"Karan? You okay? You didn't have a single bite from last 15 minutes?"

"Huh?? Oh.. Umm.. I was just thinking something, nevermind", cleared out Karan taken aback by the mention of 15 minutes, pulling his hand back under the table smiling at his mom and then to his dad who was right in front of him, making his mom question back with a smirk

"Busy thinking about somebody special huh?", Karan's eyes going wide as soon as he heard her making him gaze shocked at her with expressions 'how do you know', but before he could open his mouth or she could respond, replied his dad from the front table with a laugh

"Oh come on drop that, my son's not like that. He is fully dedicated towards his dream, right son?", The words sweeping away the smile from her face making her gently return a smile at him corner eyeing Karan who just turned straight forcing a light lipped smile muttering with eyes lowered

"Yes Dad!"

"Good, that's what I like hearing from you and by that I got reminded I've a brilliant news for you", the words having Karan furrowing his brows in question looking up at his dad and then his mom who seemed concerned as he heard her whisper warningly to his dad

"-- At least let him finish his dinner, there's entire night for talking"

"Come on, now's a good time", replied he shrugging her off who now kept quiet smiling lightly having her hands rubbing in nervousness, as she watched him pull out an envelope from his coat pocket handing it over to Karan, who smiled taking it from him questioning with his eyes lingering on his mom

"What is this dad?"

"Open it later after your exams", replied his mom instantly only to have her voice fading as his dad intervened

"Oh come on. Don't kill the kid's curiousity, let him open it already", his reply having her passing him a pleading eye look ignoring which he asked Karan who couldn't fathom the looks on his mom's face, shifting his attention to him

"Don't listen to your mom, she worries a lot for no reason you know her, but don't you wanna open it? Go right ahead, OPEN IT!"

The last few words spoken in a tone suggesting an order than a request, making Karan nod his head smiling involuntarily at his dad, before taking another look at his mom switching his attention to the brown envelope which was sealed with a neat wax stamp.

Taking the stamp out with great care, opening the envelope he found a letter inside having his gaze shifting up to look at his mom and dad who had completely opposite expressions on their faces, watching him as he placed the envelope on the dinner table holding the folded letter gently in his hands.

"Is this some vacation plan?", Asked Karan with a smile hearing whom his mom's smile dropped while his dad smile turned into a grin as he replied

"Even better! OPEN IT"

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