Recap: At least I'll get to hang with Draco later.
Harry and Michelle spent the next hour using their limited muscles strength to efficiently pack up Snape's storages.
"Finally." Harry huffed as he lifted the last box onto the shelf. "We can get outta here."
Michelle hummed in agreement before wiping her sweaty hands on her unevenly plucked brows. She looked around at their hard work.
"Hm.. doesn't it seem like a lot of his potions are missing?" Michelle wondered out loud. Harry stopped trying to fold his sweat covered collar and looked around.
"Yeah it's really empty." He commented
"Really empty and it took you this long to clean it?" Snape's voice came from behind them, making them both jump. Michelle frowned and rolled her eyes, careful to hide them from view in her hair before doing so. Harry didn't say anything. Before anyone else could make a move, Michelle felt something fall out of her jeans pocket.
A rectangular shaped object fell out from her pocket.
"What is this, may I ask, Young Lady? Is this a cheating device for-"
"No!" Michelle cut Snape off with a disgusted look. Harry picked it up and it slipped out of his sweaty hands, Michelle catching it right before it hit the floor a second time.
"It's my phone." She muttered, going through her pictures to make sure it was all still there.
"See." Michelle help up her phone and showed Snape and Harry the photos she snapped the day they snuck out. It was pictures of the mysterious person who were hiding jars in a tree trunk.
"My collection." Snape crossed his arms. "Who is this? They've stolen my potions." He growled and snatched the phone out of Michelle's hand. Harry snatched it back.
"It's the person we saw!" He exclaimed, "And Mcgonagall wouldn't believe us!"
Snape snatched the phone back again.
"Well now she's going to have to. We're taking this to her right now." Snape started to briskly walk out of his storage room, however Harry snatched the phone back.
Snape glared and snatched it back again.
Harry snatched it back.
Snape snatched it.
Harry snatched it.
Snape snatched it.
Harry snatched it.
Michelle snatched it out of both of their hands.
"This is MINE. In case you forgot? I'll be the one handing it in. Let's go." She walked in front while Snape and Harry trailed behind, ignoring each other.
The three of them stood in Mcgonagall's office as she examined the photos.
"So you truly believe they have stolen your potions... Professor Snape?" Mcgonagall raised an eyebrow. Snape only glared harder.
"I could recognize them anywhere."
Michelle sighed and Harry crossed his arms.
"See, we were telling the truth." He muttered, a little annoyed.
"I see now Mr Potter." Mcgonagall said sternly and paced around her office. "And what to you suppose we do about this?"
Potter shrugged.
"You're the headmistress, plus they're stealing Snape's stuff not mine." He muttered in Michelle's ear, causing her to snort. Mcgonagall sighed before signalling everyone to come closer.
"Meet me here today at 9pm Sharp." She dismissed the two students and closed the door so she could talk with Snape in private. Harry and Michelle nodded a goodbye to each other and they headed their seperate ways to their respective dorms.
"Where have you been?" Was the first thing Cho exclaimed when Michelle walked into the Ravenclaw common room.
"Uh... detention? Did you forget?" Michelle pulled a face and sat down on the couch with a yawn. Luna closed her books and turned her attention to her friends.
"It's almost diner time, why were you gone for so long?" Luna questioned. Michelle rubbed at her eyes.
"Snape and Mcgonagall." She replied lazily, rolling around on the couch trying to flatten her round head onto the pillows to get comfortable. Cho crossed her arms and tutted, shaking her head.
"Did you forget about Draco? He was waiting for you for so long, in the end he gave up and left."
Michelle's body shot up from the couch, just like a rocket ready for takeoff.
"Bloody hell. I forgot." She deadpanned, worry spreading across her face. "How could I have been so STUpiD" Michelle got ready to run back out into the hall but Cho grabbed her arm.
"Hun, it's almost time to go to the great hall, you can talk to him there. There's really no time to go after him now." They stood there for a few seconds in silence. Michelle sighed in defeat.
"You're right. Let's go." She replied and trudged off to the dinning hall while Cho and Luna followed silently behind her.
"Hey." An awkward voice sounded from behind them and they turned to see Harry and his friends.
"You alright? Looking a bit pale." Ron commented, pointing at Michelle's face.
"Fine." She nodded and Hermione looked at the other two girls questioningly. Without waiting for either of them to say anything, Michelle speed walked into the great hall and her eyes scanned the Slytherin area for Draco's face. Her eyes immediately lit up when she spotted his pale blonde hair mixed in with his fellow slytherins. She was about to run over when she spotted who he was talking to. The girl had dark brown, almost black hair and was wearing ravenclaw uniform, almost black hair and was almost half a foot shorter than herself. Michelle frowned as she didn't recognize the girl from her own house, however she still quickly tried to make her way over, but was interrupted by Harry midway.
"Finally found you! I just wanted to-" Harry cut off when he found Michelle was distracted. He followed her line of sight and spotted Draco.
"Hey look, I think we should just leave them for now, talk to him after yeah?" Harry suggested.
"And what? Not interrupt their sweet conversation? Let them keep flirting?" Michelle barked back. "Seriously Harry, go talk to Ginny or something."
Harry winced.
Looks like I've hit a nerve.
Michelle shook her head and continued to march towards Draco, Harry still grasping her arm trying to drag her away, although he was miserably failing. Draco noticed the commotion and turned to look at Michelle, the girl he was talking to doing the same. Michelle took one look at her face and gasped. Then she turned her furious gaze on her boyfriend.
"Why the hell are you talking to her?"
A/N: Can I go watch tiktok now?

Secret desires - (Harry Potter X OC)
Fanfiction"I'm sorry... It's Just, I didn't expect it to go this way." Michelle Jones returns to Hogwarts to finish off her education with Malfoy as the power couple. However, everything falls apart when she overhears something she didn't intend to...