A Difficult Truth.

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Author's Note. Another chapter... How do I keep writing? Hell, if I know. I just do, and this stuff comes out of my addled brain because I am a talentless weirdo. Enjoy it while it lasts, I guess... for the end draws nigh.

Warning for sum bad language that is relevant to the subtext of the story, so I will not be justifying it publically because my readers are smart enough to understand subtext.

Please. Remember to vote on chapters if you like my story, as it tells other readers of its quality and helps more people see my work. Thank you kindly.

Cover image commissioned and drawn by NamelessHiredArtist. https://www.deviantart.com/namelesshiredartist

Please go and view their art and commission them. They have incredible talent, and I was lucky to have them draw anything for me.

Star stood at the boundary of the knight's brigade. She and Cloudy had rushed her mother to the doors of Mewni castle, and it was now time for her to deal with the tree-like abomination being fought by the royal guard.

Late-morning had fast approached, and her knights were holding back the beast as best as they could.

The malevolent creature stomped and swiped at the soldiers mercilessly as it tried to make its way towards its intended target. Vines from the corrupt forest crawled about the ground behind it, accelerating the growth of the woods.

Several of the men retreated due to injury, then the back lines set their arrows aflame in an attempt to burn down the monstrosity and its home.

Star stepped forward with her wand in hand, and the soulless creature roared. Its splintered teeth showing from its agape mouth.

When the arrows set it aflame, it seemed relatively unconcerned. It merely swiped its now flaming appendage around like a massive torch. The frontline knights screamed loudly while the field they stood upon was scorched and set ablaze.

When they all fell back and retreated for their lives, Star moved forward with her wand clenched tightly in her hand and shouted towards the flaming beast.

"ENOUGH!!! I will not tolerate this any longer! If you want me, then try and get me!"

The creature roared again, and each stomp of its massive feet shook the ground beneath Star's feet. She held her breath and puffed out her cheeks in an attempt to calm her nerves, after which she held her wand up.

"Cupcake Blast!" She shouted.

Within seconds, dozens of glittering cupcakes appeared. They were sent forward at break-neck speeds after a moment, leaving behind them a dazzling spectacle of colored light.

The treeant lumbered and appeared too slow to dodge the fast-moving cupcakes. A second later, it lifted the palm of its wooden claw as if attempting to shield itself.






One after the other, cupcake after cupcake detonated upon impact. It groaned, and splinters began flying everywhere. Plumes of smoke puffed up and clouded its form from view.

Star waited apprehensively for the onslaught to finish. When she felt the lumbering vibration under her feet, she knew it had not fallen.

Once clear of the blast zone, the creature stomped forward, and where it had been hit, it was missing chunks of its body and was smoldering. The claw that had been used to defend itself had been completely obliterated. It stomped again once more, drawing ever closer to Star.

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