Shattered Happiness.

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Author's Note. I write this while I am recovering.  It was painful but I enjoyed it none the less, so you do so as well I suppose.

Please. Remember to vote on chapters if you like my story, as it tells other readers of its quality and helps more people see my work. Thank you kindly.

Cover image commissioned and drawn by NamelessHiredArtist.

Please go and view their art and commission them. They have incredible talent, and I was lucky to have them draw anything for me.

The quiet night in its eerie peacefulness brought with it an underlining sorrow that Star couldn't understand. Even if Marco and Kelly were now silently standing there in the hallway, it was as if they were having a mute conversation that nobody else was to be a part of.

Inevitably one of them had to break the newfound silence, and it wound up being Star of all people.

"Soooo, are you feeling better, Kelly?" Star asked, with a hint of frustration to her voice.

Kelly seemed like she wanted to blurt out her terrors all at once, but she just nodded "ok" as she thought better of the idea. It was such a surreal experience that she wasn't sure if it actually occurred. If there was anybody she wanted to, no needed to talk to. It was Marco.

Marco started to rub his arm with his wrapped hand, but once he realized it, he quickly put both of his hands behind his back and leaned against the wall. He remembered it all, he remembered everything from start to finish, and it was readily apparent that Star did not.

"What's with you guys?" Star said with annoyed suspicion.

"I- I heard Kelly yell, and it scared me out of my wits." Marco hid the truth.

Star raised an eyebrow and looked at Kelly as if trying to read why she was so touchy with Marco. There was nothing there but a frown and an exhausted look.

"Oh my god! Tom!" Marco blurted out.

Star turned her attention to him and seemed confused. "What about Tom?"

"I- he... No, what I mean to say is. He is in the dungeon." He stumbled over his words, knowing he didn't have a valid excuse for his knowing such a thing.

Star smiled a bit and then laughed. "Dungeon? Why would Tom be there? Everybody here knows that he is my boyfriend."

"No, Star, please, just have somebody release him," Marco begged.

Star saw his genuine distress and sighed. "If I send one of the guards to check, will you promise me we can all go to sleep?"

There was a quiet affirmative nod from Marco, as Kelly just kept silent. Star called one of the royal guards, but when one failed to show up. The three sauntered over to the stairwell, and Star called out once more.

"Hello!? Guards!? I need a teensy-weensy favor..." Her voice traveled both up and down along the cobblestones.

"Princess! We apologize, something has happened up on the next floor, and we are checking things out!" A male knight called from above.

Marco felt his heart freeze, as he was positive he knew what it was, but Star being as gung-ho as she was, began pulling him with her and up the stairs. Kelly followed behind, still taking in the world as if she had been entirely removed from reality.

They rounded up the stairs, and as soon as they turned the last part of the spiral, they were greeted by a group of knights, her father, and a wholly obliterated door. Splintered wood and clear chop marks along the large chunks of it.

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