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my topsy-turvy boy,
my unbalanced baby.
stop jumping the gun,
learn to think your feelings
through before acting.
you cannot hit the target
without first aiming for it.

stop telling yourself you
are unworthy of love,
your soul is beautiful.
just because others could
not see it does not mean
you should turn a blind eye.
your past does not define
who you choose to become.
you can break free, these
are not permanent shackles.

your emotions are raging,
big and intense. they can
be frightening storms of
rain and thunder, but they
can be warm like a blanket
straight out of the dryer,
like a tender touch, tending
to wounds with the utmost
care and gentleness. they
must be treated with care,
they must be coddled. you
can't let them run rampant,
or they will leave destruction
in their wake. they are too
fragile, easily breakable.

my green toothed, violet
eyed angel, you can build
new wings to soar upon.
you are not broken, open
up those flashlight eyes.
you just have to search.
blue freckles like sparks
on your skin, you will find
someone who can see
through the cobwebs.

you burn so bright, not
everyone can handle it,
but you will find people
who can. people who
burn like you. they will
stay, do not fear. let your
heart burn, let them feel
your warmth. they will
love you like no one else.
they will love you the way
you deserve to be loved,
the way you need. you
can tell them, they will
provide, you just have to
let them in. let them have
a taste of your cherry
pop rocks heart.

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