| Love Is Confusing |

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[ Sunday, 2pm ]

"Hey, Mister!" A little boy catches my attention, I see Saiki off in the distance with a little boy holding his hand.
I wonder what he's up to?

All of a sudden I see Saiki let go of the child and jump up, far in the sky.
My mouth drops open.
I watch as he grabs a balloon, bringing it down for the little boy.
The boy cheered.
How sweet~

"Saiki! That was amazing!"  Saiki turned to see me waving.
I hear him sigh.
"Don't sigh at me!" I pout as I come closer, the boy staring at me with eyes wide.
I smile down at the boy.
"You're pretty!" He says, smiling wholeheartedly.
"Oh, Thank you!"

'Apparently he's lost.' Saiki said, telepathically of course.
"Well, We'll just have to find his parents!"
"Come on, Don't chicken out now~" I grin, looking up at Saiki.
The boy looks at the both of us.

"Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?" He asks, his innocent eyes glued onto us.
"W-What?? No, we're not!" My cheeks grow pink.
"Oh..Okay then!"
I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in.
Saiki kept quiet.

"So you were with your mom? Could you tell us her appearance?" I ask, looked down at the boy.
He walked between me and Saiki, holding my hand.

"She has brown hair, and she's really pretty!" He complimented his mother, I find that sweet.
"Okay, Do you know where you both were last?" I now look at a kitten on a rooftop to my right.
"We were at a playground!" He answered, now skipping.
"Great! We shall head to the playground up here and take a look around!" I cheered.
Saiki looked down at me.

I felt him looking, a sweat roll running down my forehead.
We reached the playground, a feminine voice calls out;
"Yuta!" We all turn towards a women catching up to us.
"Momma!" The boy cheered, letting go of my hand and running up to his mother. She embraced him.
"I was so worried!" She looked at the boy.
"This girl and her boyfriend helped!"

I look to my side, Saiki now gone.
"Oh he left, but she helped me find you!" He pointed towards me.
"Oh thank you!" His mother extended her hand out to thank me.
I shake it, smiling shyly.

We said our goodbyes, I shrug as I didn't spot Saiki anywhere and carried on with my day, well it's the afternoon now.
I should hurry up with my groceries!

I made it to a supermarket, getting what I need. I bumped into someone on the way to a cashier, I stumbled forward and crashed on the floor, My groceries smushed from the impact.
"I'm sorry..!" I called out, rubbing my head.
"Oh, shit I'm sorry!" The guy turned around, kneeling down to help me up.
"No it's fine, it was a mistake!" I climb to my feet, picking up my basket, Only some cans survived the impact.
I looked at the stranger whom I bumped into.
His hair was oddly coloured, it was purple. Why does everyone here have such crazy hair colours?

"Well, Hope you have a nice day." He said, before walking off.

Who was he?

[ End ]

Note: I don't like typing notes but I want to make sure of something, are you all okay with this story getting side-tracked from the actual show? I want to do a Beach chapter but it's February for them.

Sense Of Humor - Saiki K x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now