| Field Trip Begins! |

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[Second Person POV]

It was the day of the field trip, You hid under your covers, not wanting to get up. You whined as your mother lightly knocked on your bedroom door, she opened it and peeked in.
"Darling, it's the day for the field trip, right? Why are you still in bed?" She walked in, sitting on the edge of your bed.
"Cramps and field trips aren't that fun.." You complained, You're mother only chuckled.
"Well, Maybe it's up to you to make it fun? I know you're a fun and amazing young lady to hang out with, I'm positive you'll enjoy yourself!" She spoke, I didn't know whether to be inspired or just go with that she said.
I nodded,
"Thanks, Mom." You sat up, your hair a mess.
"Well, you better get that hairstyle tamed before you go have fun!" She joked, standing up and heading to the door. You laughed, standing up out of bed.
"And, (Y/n)?"
You turned your attention to your mother.
"Even though you're growing up, you should never stop having fun." She said, smiling. Then left, closing the door behind her.

[Time Skip brought to you by Saiki K!]

You sat at your desk, having a conversation with Chiyo before the bell rang.
"Hey, (Y/n)! We should have a sleepover sometime!" She cheered, I smiled.
"A sleepover? I mean, Sure!" I said happily, Then Saiki arrived. Teruhashi beamed brighter at the sight of the hot pink haired male, I sighed.
"Oh, Hello Saiki! I was wondering if you'd like to be apart of my group~?" She asked. You dunno why but...you had this feeling? You couldn't describe it.

"Class, it's time to go!" The teacher came in, clapping her hands to get the attention of the class.
There was a bus waiting for our class outside, we climbed aboard. Saiki sits behind you as you sat with Chiyo, Kaidou squeezed onto the seat as well. You looked out the window, Chiyo thinking of what to talk about.

"Do you like anyone?" Chiyo asked, You looked at her and tilted your head to think.
"Well, I like you and Kaidou." Chiyo giggled.
"Not like that! Like...Crushing on anyone?" As she asked me once again, this time with you understanding, You blushed slightly. Chiyo grinned,
"Oh~ So you ARE crushing on someone~?" You lightly flicked her forehead.
"I'm not crushing on anyone!" Your blush deepened as the conversation went on.

"Maybe she likes Saiki?" Kaidou joined in, this surprised you.
"I don't like him like that!" You hid your face with the sleeves of your uniform, your face probably looking like a tomato.
"Alriiiiight, Kaidou lets give (Y/n) a break!" Chiyo hugged your side, You continued to hide your face until you feel like you gone back to being you're average skin tone.

[Time Skip brought to you by
(Y/n)'s mother! She says good luck!]

The bus slowly came to a stop, this time the class is transferring from the bus to an airplane. Everyone got their tickets, you're not able to choose who you'd want to sit with this time. You got your ticket, heading in the little tunnel that leads to the airplane and entering the body of the flight craft. Finding your seat, you packed your bags in the storage units, struggling a bit since you're smaller, but you got it.

You finally sat down, sighing in relief.
'Oh, Looks like I'm sitting with you.' A familiar voice echoed through your head, Your cheeks turned into a rosy colour. Of course your remembering what Chiyo said, who wouldn't?
"O-Oh, yeah. I guess you are." You said, Smiling cheekily. He sat down next to you, taking out one of the mini-books and opening it up to a page. You have an extreme fear of flying in planes, and you forgot to take your pills to help you calm yourself down.

[Changing the POV to First Person.]

My left leg started to shake, mostly cause your scared. Inhaling through your nose and exhaling with your mouth, relax...relax.
'Don't be scared.' Said the boy sitting next to you, telepathically of course.
"Easier said that done." You laughed nervously, what if it crashes...or catches on fire?
As the plane started its engine, my heart started pounding.

Saiki turned his gaze to you,
'You don't have to be scared, I'll be here if anything happens.' He's right, If anything happens than Saiki will be here to help!
I tightened my grip on the armrests, closing my eyes and counting down.
Ngl sounds like I'm gonna die or something-

Your palms were sweaty, from holding onto the armrest for dear life.

Then, I felt something. Something warm and delicate, soft even. I peaked open my eyes, looking down to see a hand resting on mine. I follow the hand up the arm, finally meeting the the face of whom is doing it. It is....

That feeling, except a little different? Came back, filling my stomach. My cheeks now flustered.
'Don't get too flustered, you'll look like a tomato again.' Again? What does he mean by that?
"...W-What do you mean by again?" I asked, he turned away.
Is he ignoring me while holding my hand?

I smile softly,
"Hey, Saiki?" I chirped. He turned to face me, his face was...a little pink?
"Thank you~" I sang quietly, looking back out the window. Now feeling a little better.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I really didn't know what to do for it lmaooo, is it just me or do y'all find this one a bit cheesy?

Word count: 961

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