| Welcome To Okinawa |

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[First Person, 2pm]

We arrived at Okinawa, we got to our hotel that we were staying at and packed our things away.
"Hey (Y/n)! Want to join us when we go exploring?" Chio asked, smiling brightly. I nodded,
As time passed, we were able to go out on our own and explore. I joined Chio and Teruhashi, visiting the best food markets.
"Wow, guys you GOT to try this!" Chio enthused as she bit into a piece of 'free-sample' pineapple. I bit into a piece of pineapple, drooling from the taste.
The texture was soft, and juice leaked from it as I bit into it.


"This is SO GOOD-" I was tempted to steal the rest of the pineapple.
Should I do it..?

"Hey Chio, do you have a bag?" I asked, watching the clerk who was turned away.
"No, I don't. Why?" She asked, turning her attention to me.
"...No reason." I reached down to get a handkerchief out of my pocket, picking up a few pieces and securing it in my handkerchief.
"(Y/n)..! Are you serious??" Teruhashi was concerned that I'll get caught, though Chio was just laughing.
Just as I got the last piece of pineapple, the clerks-man turned around and caught me.
"Hey! What the hell are you doing!?" He shouted, I flinched. We exchanged looks, until I ran off.
All I heard was that man yelling in the distance, angry as fuck.

[Saiki's POV]

While Kaidou and Nendou went to watch a Mongoose and a Cobra fight, I figured it was time to treat myself to some sweets.
I made my way downtown, walking passed all the shops and finding a Café.
I could hear someone yelling behind me, it sounded like someone said my name but I didn't bother to check.
Whoever it was finally caught up to me, putting her hand on my shoulder. I was about to grab their wrist to shake them off but quickly realized, it was (Y/n). She looks out of breath?
"What are you doing?"
"I uh...May have stolen a free sample of pineapple." She said quietly so that no one else could hear her.
I'm out.
I turn to leave, stopped again by her grabbing my wrist this time.
Her mind was busy, millions of thoughts were bouncing off the walls.
She was nervous, at least I think. I'm never good with emotions or how someone feels.
"C-Can I hang out with you?"
This might be the first time I've seen her, without throwing jokes around and trying to make me laugh.

"Do what you want."
She had a small, grateful smile.

[First-Person, Also Time Skip.]

We finished our desserts that we had at the Café, I felt better about the stolen pineapple and I decided to eat the rest, leaving one for Saiki.
"Come onnnnn, try it!" I held it up to his mouth.
I sigh.
"I don't want to eat something that's stolen."
My heart dropped a little, though I laughed it off.
"Alriiight, Guess you don't want to try it." Just as I pulled away, Saiki grabbed the piece of the pineapple from my hand.
He ate it. I looked at him with a surprised face, confused and..Happy.
"What's so good about it?"
"Everything! The texture, the sweetness and the hint of sour..!"
"It's just pineapple..?"
"Is it better than Coffee Jelly?"
"N. O."
"Nothing is better than Coffee Jelly."
I let out a laugh,
"If you had to choose between me or Coffee Jelly, who would you choose?" I asked, with a grin on my face.
I'm not a Psychic but I can tell what he's going to pick.
"Coffee Jelly 100%" Saiki said bluntly, I pout.
"Welp! I'll leave you alone for now!" I stand,
"Where are you going?" Saiki couldn't care less where I was going, right..?
"I want to go shopping, I didn't get to do that yet since I stole that pineapple.." I fiddled with my fingers as I mentioned it again, then waving goodbye as I walked out the Café.

Maybe it is best if I leave him be, it was a stupid idea to do this challenge..

[The End]

Sense Of Humor - Saiki K x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now