| Curry |

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[First Person]

Three more days until the weekend.
I was eating breakfast, the apartment quiet. I heard a knock, sighing
I got up from the table, skipping towards the door and opening it.
"(L/n), Is your mother home?" The landlord questioned.
"No, She's been called in to work."
"Well, could you remind her that the payment is due on Sunday?"
"Sure, I'll let her know." I replied, closing the door shortly after.

I made my way to school, I met Chyo and Kaidou halfway there, and I got to meet Teruhashi!
"So (Y/n)? Where are you from anyways?" Teruhashi asked, genuinely curious.
"I'm from Canada!" I smiled,
"Woah, I heard you get a lot of snow during the winter!" Chyo seemed interested,
"Yeah, it does! Last year it was up to my waist!" They looked even more surprised.

"Oh, Is that Saiki?" I asked, seeing a similar pink haired guy, Teruhashi quickly nodded smiling more than I thought she could.
She flung herself onto his arm, clinging.
She clings.

"Hello Saiki~!" I stuck my tongue out, making a funny face. He didn't show any emotion.
'What are you doing?' He asked,
'Trying to make you laugh.'
'Good job, you didn't succeed.'
I rolled my eyes at his comment.

[Time Skip, P.E Class]

Apparently we were doing a physical exam to see how healthy we are,
I did well in the flexibility test, but not so much in the others.
Saiki somehow managed to get beaten by our enthusiastic classmate, Kineshi Hairo.
To say I was amazed was an understatement.

"Good job, Hairo-San!" I called out, receiving a wave in return.
Poor Kaidou, he was struggling with them all, he even challenged Nendou! To my surprise, Nendou won.

"AGH! Why can't I win any of these?!" Kaidou let's out, I giggle.
"We all have a thing we're good at, and our flaws." I said, patting his shoulders.

[Time Skip, end of the day.]

"Saiki?" Let's walk home together!" I shout out, catching his attention.
But he didn't stop walking, he just sped up.

'We don't even live in the same area.'
"So? I get to see where you live." I said, soon realizing what I said.
"I'm so sorry that sounds so creepy-"
'Yeah, no.'

I didn't stop following him, he sighed as he dragged me somewhere out of sight. The scenery changed? Oh, this is my room!
"How come you get to know where I live..?" I asked.
'No reason really, I just don't want you to come visit me.'
"I won't visit you, I promise!"

Saiki sighed, grabbing my shoulder and teleporting us to his house, I assume.
'Welcome to my house.'
"Thank you, I feel very welcomed."
We head inside, I follow behind him.
'I'm home.' Saiki said bluntly, a women appeared around the corner. Her eyes immediately widened as she seen me,
"Oh my gosh! Ku-chan brought a friend over!" She held out her hand, I kindly shook it.
"And it's a girl as well!" Tears began to form, she wiped her eyes with her finger.
"Darling? What's wrong?" A voice called from inside the household.
"Kusuo brought a girl home!" She cheered.
"What's you're name hun?" She asked, keeping her attention on me.
"It's (Y/n)!" I replied, she seems sweet.
'Yare yare.' Saiki thought, poking my shoulder and then pointing at the staircase.
I nod, assuming that he's bringing me to his room.
I was correct.
"You're room is so plain." I commented, chuckling.
'At least I don't have posters of anime characters on my wall.' Saiki mentioned.
'HEY, They're limited edition!" I pout.
Saiki didn't look bothered one bit, so I decided to ask him,
"What do you like?"

'I like coffee jelly.' He answered back.
"I- I mean like, what do you like to do?" I tried explaining it simpler.
'I like to eat coffee jelly.' He sat in an arm chair, I sat on his bed.
I facepalmed.
'This guy is unbelievable.
'I heard that.'

"Ku-Chan, (Y/n)! Would you like some supper?" Saiki's mom peaked through the door, I look at Saiki who just shrugged.
We walked downstairs, the aroma of freshly cooked curry filled the household.

After eating the delicious curry, I've decided that it was time for me to head home.
"I'll be going now." I mentioned, Saiki's mother was saddened but nodded.
"Saiki can teleport you back home..!" She said, gesturing to the pink haired, male sitting at the table.
"Oh, no no I don't want to bother him any longer. I'll walk, besides it's a nice night out!" I smiled, heading to the porch and pulling my shoes on.
"Well, be careful. Good night!" She waved, I head out.

That was a lovely supper.

[The End]

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