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They got into the cab after preparing a short back story. Annabelle took care of the cab fare and the tip.

    It was a long line, and a warm night. Traffic grumbled by, rumbling over the conversations of others who waited. Annabelle took in the moment. No one looked at her as if she didn't belong. The man checking IDs at the door wore a suit and shoes with high shine. His dark hair slicked back in a ponytail, which left his face unframed. He had a scar which rode his left cheekbone.

   "He's a bouncer"Annabelle whispered to Julie."I did some research. He removed people who cause trouble. He looks very strong."

               "All we have to do is get by him and we are in. Just pass him your ID and keep talking to me" Julie said.

A quick smile for the bouncer and Julie held out her ID as she continued her convo with Annabelle. He checked the ID and put a club stamp on her wrist and did same to Annabelle. Then returned their IDs..

   "Have fun girls".  Said the bouncer.

          "We are the fun" Julie yelled back.

  *.          *.          *.   

  Julie let out a squeal which was mostly drowned in by the loud  music. Annabelle wasn't quite used to being with so many people in one place. People Jammed the dance floor, shaking, spinning,sweating. Anxiety clutched Annabelle's throat and pressed on her chest. Julie's death grip on her hand was the only thing that kept her from bolting. Julie finally beelined for a table. She and Annabelle took their seats.

    "Listen, we need drinks now,so I'm going to the bar. I'll buy since you paid for the cab. That'll give me time to start scoping. Two Cosmos coming up" said Julie full of excitement.
   Annabelle took her time to observe the club while Julie was away. Few minutes later, Julie returned.

      "Wow, just wow."  Julie set martini glasses filled with pink liquid on the table before she sat. "I nearly spilled these coming back, which would have bummed. They're ten dollars each."

" We should make them last until we find some guys to buy us drinks" Julie chipped in

                "Why would anyone buy us drinks?" Annabelle asked

" Duh. We're hot, we're available. Drink some Ann, let's go out  and show our stuff."

*.            *.             *.     

  ..Dance floor...

  Annabelle liked moving her hips. Like the heels, it made her feel powerful and the way the dress rubbed her skin added a very attractive element. They danced and danced more. Back at their tiny table, they drank cosmos.
    "Hey.. that guy there is totally checking us out. No don't look!"
            " How can I see him if I don't look?
      "Take my word, he's really cute. I'm gonna give him the eye and the hair toss"

            " Ok"
.       .         .
"Message received. Oh he's got such an adorable smile. Geez Louise he's coming over...he's like actually coming over" Julie said letting out a loud squeal.
        "But you wanted him to. That's why you. . . Sent the message"
  "Yeah but— I bet he's at least twenty-four. I bet . Follow my lead."
.     .      .
"Excuse me?" Said Liam, the blond hottie that was staring at them. " I wonder if you could help me with something."
         Julie executed a modified hair toss. "Maybe."
   "I'm worried my memory is failing because I never forget a beautiful woman,but I don't recall either of you. Tell me you haven't been here before."

      "First time."

"Ah, that explains it."
        "I guess you're here a lot."

  "Every night. It's my club—that is," he said with a dazzling smile.

.           .         .   

"Liam Fitch" he said
      "Julie Anderson" Julie offered a hand whick Liam took and kissed stylishly on the knuckles. " And my friend, Ann".
     "Welcome to the club, hope you are enjoying your selves"
       "The music is great"

When the waitress came with the drinks, Liam plucked the tab off the tray.
     "Beautiful women who come to my club for the first time aren't allowed to buy their own drinks. Do you mind if I join you?"

    "Of course not" Julie sharply replied.

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