Chapter 2: The interview

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Kyungsoo POV

"Thanks for the ride, auntie." I shouted as I jogged towards the big building.

"Good luck!" She shouted back and waved before driving away.

I walked through the big entrance and headed to the elevators. Because it was early in the morning many people were using the elevators, luckily I fit with a group of people that were going to the same floor as me.

I stood there in the very back in the elevator and as it started closing in on the 15th floor I started to sweat and nervously play with my fingers.

"Nervous?" A melodic voice asked.

I slowly turned my head to see a tall, quite handsome and young, maybe a few years older than me, man smiling at me.

"You are here for the interviews right?"

I just nodded my head. Of course I was nervous. I really wanted this job so I had to be careful not to mess this up.

"I've heard that the department boss is a real jerk." The man said next.

I sighed inside. Him saying that didn't really help.

"I'm sure he's only doing his job, sir." I said in a low voice.

That made the man laugh out loud. The other people in the elevator glanced our way but lowered their eyes as the man next to me looked straight forward.

"I guess you are right."

I glanced at him a few times during the elevator ride, wondering what his role here was, but he didn't notice and he didn't say anything more until we arrived on the 15th floor. The other people left the elevator in a hurry. We both got off, then he turned to me.

"What is your name?" He asked, tilting his head a little while looking at me.

"D-Do Kyungsoo, sir." I stuttered.

"See you around, Do Kyungsoo." Then he just smiled and walked away.

I stood there, kind of speechless and stiff in my body. What was all that about? For a second there I thought that he was hitting on me. What a weird guy, I thought as I walked further inside and stopped at the reception desk.

"Welcome, how can I help you, sir?" The woman said in a calm and welcoming tone. She looked to be in her 30s, her curly dark hair reaching to cover her shoulders over the navy blue uniform she wore. Her brown eyes looked friendly as she smiled at me.

"I'm here for the interviews." I said, showing her a nervous smile in return.

"Yes, and your name sir?"

"Do Kyungsoo."

She pressed a few buttons on the keyboard and the looked at the computer screen.

"Please have a seat in the waiting room and they will call when they are ready for you, sir." She said and pointed the way.

"Thank you." I bowed my head and she bowed back.

I sat down in one of the leather armchairs and slowly started looking around.

All the offices were separated by glass walls so I could see there were many people walking around, drinking coffee, chit chatting with colleagues, talking on the phone or typing by their computers while looking at some documents. And in the waiting room there were some people as well. Five males, me included and two females, each of them reading a piece of paper, mouthing the words written on it. I guessed they had written down what to say in the interview. I hadn't. I had a pretty good memory so memorizing what I was going to say wasn't really a problem for me but then again you never know what they want to know so for me the most important thing was to have an open mind and answer the questions as honestly as I could.

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