Chapter 7: What just happened?

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Kyungsoo POV

It was still dark when I opened my eyes, only the stars in the sky was shining. I giggled at myself because I knew I was totally out of it. I was either still very drunk that I was hallucinating or I was so drunk that I had fallen asleep outside.

I decided not to care right now. I was still tired so I closed my eyes and slowly made my way back to dreamland.


I slowly opened my eyes and tried to swallow but my throat was too dry. I turned my head and was surprised to see some beside me. I panicked and sat up.

"What happened last night?" I asked myself as I scratched the back of my head.

I remember the ceremony clearly and that I talked to my friends before I bumped into my girlfriend...well, now my ex girlfriend. I think I went to the club to meet my classmates after being bumped. And I clearly remember the taste of the alcohol I drank. Just thinking about it made me feel sick. But how did I end up here? And with who?

I got a blurry flashback in front of my eyes, showing how I held onto someone as I was led to a familiar door.

"Jongin-ah!" I clearly remember saying his name before I fell on him and started crying. I laughed at myself. I must have seemed like a baby to him. But after that I don't remember anything.

I turned to the person beside me, now knowing that it wasn't a stranger. He was now facing me. I reached out my hand to wake him but stopped myself and just studied his sleeping face.

He looked so peaceful when he slept. His whole face relaxed and his lips too. Looking at his lips made me unknowingly moist my own. I slapped myself in my mind and continued to study his face. His sharp jawline, his smooth skin and his dark eyes...

I almost fell out of the bed by the force I used to lean back. He was awake. How long? What did he see? I could feel my cheeks heat up.

He looked at me as he sat up. The movement made the cover slide down, showing his chest and stomach.

I looked away.

"How are you feeling?" He asked and jawed.

"My head hurts a little bit but otherwise I'm alright if you exclude the shame I feel right now."

He laughed. "Don't worry. Nothing bad happened." He said, looking away when I tried to make eye contact with him.

He stood up and now it was my turn to look away.

He put on his shirt, put a robe for me on the bed before leaving the bedroom.

In my stomach I could feel that something was not quite right but since I could not for my life remember anything more about last night it just remained an uncomfortable feeling as I got out of bed and tied the robe around my body and left the room.

I found Jongin in the kitchen drinking water and at the same time making some coffee.

"What happened to my clothes?" I asked as I sat down on one of the chairs.

"I had Rango dry-clean them. There were some stains on them."

My head shot up when I remembered what I wore yesterday.

"Oh my god..." I covered my mouth. I lowered my head in shame but lifted it again to look at Jongin.

He was leaning against the desk, looking down at the cup of water he held in his hand. I suddenly panicked. Although Jongin's face didn't look angry, seeing him like this, quiet, made it worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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