Chapter 7

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Techno's pov

Me and the other's returned to our house, i walked towards y/n "we need to get more prepared, seeing as though Dream will be protecting l'manburg. He seems very keen on having tommy out of the way and achieving his disc's. The difficulty is going to be rising way up, at this rate unfortunately..." i confessed reluctantly, since i hate to admit such a thing.

Y/n, "whoever is on l'manburg, no, any dictating area or perhaps a government, a kingdom or even an empire's side. Does not matter the motive is the same and i'll hurt, annihilate or destroy everyone in the way. I don't care if it's dream, the government of l'manburg and every other nation like mexican l'manburg which was also created. Stands in our way, i'll ruin every one of them..." y/n told me, and i could've sworn that her coat turned from dark to white and her eye's glimmered red at one glance as well..."hm is this going to go down like that day." I thought to myself, while simply nodding in agreement.

Tommy, then walked towards us with a confused expression Tommy, "so, what's the plan everyone?" Tommy asked wondering what to do. Y/n, "i believe, that we have someone that would love their revenge on governments. Don't we techno?" As i nod "yes we do, his name is phil. I am sure he wants to trash the government too..." i explained to Tommy. Y/n went and looks towards Tommy. Y/n, "And also Tommy, while Techno gets that person. We will start grinding E.X.P. and other stuff, which we'll first find in a woodland mansion and we'll also do a few raids here and there. Unfortunately i do owe dream a lot for what he did for me with the possessed thing." Y/n told us as she follows it up "we are to go to a few desert temples and broken ships and ship wrecks at the bottom, as well as trading with villagers a bit." She'd added while Tommy nodded "good plan's, let's get to it." He said as we separated

I grab some items for the ride to l'manburg, then i walk towards the nether portal and then enter the nether. i leave the nether, and then i enter l'manburg. while sneaking my way towards phil's house i was encountering a few people that are on their governments side. so i croutched and slowly walked passed them, making not even a single sound at all. upon entering the house i see phil standing there, i put my armor on and called him out. "hello phil, ready to escape from your house arrest with me? they'll know you did since you have that band that suggests you're not in the house when you leave. but i'm going to protect you, then i shall go prepare my dogs." i went in getting straight down to business, and then he nods saying "okay." we went out of the house when i splashed him with an invis potion, as we make our way over to the dog base.

we sneakily make our way over to the base, avoiding any conflict with the people of this nation, it was secure and we were clear to enter, when we transported the dogs to a place closer to lmanburg, where i could ender pearl teleport out of with the dogs at any time, the dog's were sat down. after that i made my way back, not realizing that my invis potion already wore off, they spotted me, so i end up bringing out my toothpick and start stabbing them, knocking them all out. I leave and bring phil secure to the house and show him the secret vault. the potions, food supplies and gear.

meanwhile with dream

quackity suggested that the sole reason  escaped his  was aid from him. He and the Butcher Army then came to the realization that he was behind all the chaos on the server and decided to put an end to his grasp over L'Manberg and the Greater SMP by killing him in a festival reminiscent of the .  and  were given the role of the event organizers and Quackity was given the role of executioner.

while Dream had been aware of the fact that they'd try this, he decided to leave and go to grind more stuff and be prepared for the likely fight against l'manburg, it turns out he hadn't planned to fight techno, and y/n so he was going to make that clear by setting up tnt and build a wall again for lmanburg, along with planning a way to set something up for them to have no reason that he had been against him, which he wasn't Dream, "i must covince them, and i believe i have the perfect way to do it." He looks at Ranboo and began manipulating him into thinking helping him and techno was the right thing to do. And to give him his memory book, they did this in the nether while dream placed tnt in Ranboo's secret thinking spot, right after that.

Ranboo would often wrote letters to Tommy. Tommy mostly considered Ranboo a friend at first, but after Dream's manipulation and the letters being intercepted, Tommy started to wonder if Ranboo only contacted him out of pity. Which is not what Ranboo intended, he went and met up with techno who returned to lmanburg to spawn withers for his last weapon. And gave every bit of intel about lmanburg to Techno. he regained his weapons and left to go back home. That's when techno spawned in the withers techno, "give me back my weapons and i shall destroy this wither for you!" They reluctantly do so as techno kills the wither who had little health left.

Ranboo came to techno and then. After the Butcher Army ended their day, Ranboo joined Ghostbur in meeting with Technoblade again at his cabin. At first, Ranboo's life was threatened, but upon returning pieces of Technoblade's armor, he was spared and allowed to stay. There, he was questioned by Tommy on his motive for gifting a pickaxe during his exile. Ranboo explained that nothing was done out of pity, and that he only provided the pickaxe because he was in debt. After explaining himself, he assisted Tommy and Technoblade into settling into their homes and preparing for revenge. During this time, Technoblade explained to him how he felt used during the rebellions and how ranboo should help them instead of l'manburg which ranboo agreed to do.

words: 1050

i hope you enjoyed, the next part will be your pov, with tommy being with you getting stronger items :)

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