26 - What Happened to Frederick?

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Outside Granny's Diner, the stranger rode up to Granny's Diner on his motorcycle and Alana walked out to meet him.

"You gonna come in? I thought you wanted that drink," Alana said.

"I do, but I didn't say here. Hop on," August said.

Alana walked forward, "You want me to get on the back of that bike?" Alana asked as she gestured to the motorcycle.

"That's what 'hop on' means," August said.

"How about if we go somewhere, I drive? I'm in heels," Alana said

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"How about if we go somewhere, I drive? I'm in heels," Alana said.

"And they look really good on you," Alana rolled her eyes with a small smile, "But, how about you stop having to control everything and take a leap of faith?" August said.

"Oh, now that's asking for more than a simple drink," Alana said.

August chuckled, "You owe me a drink, hop on. I know a good watering hole," August said.

Granny was watching them as she leaned on the white fence, "If you don't, I will!" Granny said.

Alana looked at the August begrudgingly as she walked forward, taking the offered spare helmet, putting it on and got on the bike. Granny smiled as they rode off together.

Emma walked out of the diner and walked towards Granny, she turned and smiled, "She's off," Emma said.

"Almost looked like she wasn't about to go," Granny said.

Emma and Granny looked down the road with a smile on their faces, "As long as she doesn't come back upset," Emma said and her phone buzzed, she looked at it then walked off.

Alana and August reached a well at the edge of the forest, they got off the bike.

"A watering hole? Literally?" Alana questioned.

August got off the bike, "Well, say what you want about me. I always tell the truth," August said.

"I always through a drink was, like, wine or whiskey," Alana said.

"What, do you want me to get you drunk?" August asked with a smile.

"What, do you want me to get you drunk?" August asked with a smile

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