44 - A Land Without Magic

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In The Evil Queen's prison, Prince Charming was attempting to break the lock of his cell, he beat a rock against the lock, with no success.

"I will find you, Snow. I will always find you," Prince Charming said.

Two guards approached and unlocked the cell, "It'll be hard to do that without your head. Get up, the Queen is looking forward to your execution," Guard One said and the guards escorted Prince Charming out of the dungeons and down a hallway, but the prince fell.

"Get up! On your feet," Guard Two said.

A fight broke our between Prince Charming and the two guards. Prince Charming prevailed and he fleed down the hallway until he encountered another guard with a bow and arrow. Prince Charming turned back the way he way but encountered another guard.

"Shoot him!" The recent guard said.

The guard with the bow and arrow fired his arrow but instead of hitting Prince Charming, he shot the other guard instead.

Prince Charming turned to the remaining guard, "Who the hell are you?" Prince Charming asked.

Prince Charming turned to the remaining guard, "Who the hell are you?" Prince Charming asked

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The guard removed his helmet, revealing the Huntsman, "A friend. I don't know you. But I know Snow White and Delphinia," The Huntsman said.

"Are they okay?" Prince Charming asked.

The Huntsman unlocked the shackles, "The Queen was travelling to meet Snow White. Her fast is in a precarious place. Delphinia, probably angry with me. You must hurry. Follow me," The Huntsman led him down the corridor, "I can get you out. I'll try and stall the Queen. The rest is up to you," The Huntsman handed Prince Charming a sword and some supplied, "Your weapon, and some provisions. Good luck," The Huntsman said.

"You're not coming with me?" Prince Charming asked.

"I cannot. I gave up my heart so that the Queen would spare Snow's. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain," The Huntsman said.

"He's like her lapdog... You're Delphinia's love?" Prince Charming asked.

"I am... Tell her, I'm so sorry for what I did, but I meant what I said, everything," The Huntsman said.

"I will tell her," Prince Charming said.

"Warning, when she's angry, she's not the best to talk to... Keep going and find her... Both of them," The Huntsman said.

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