45 - A Land Without Magic

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Outside the boarded up clock tower, Alana and Emma were waiting for Regina, the twins had their swords with them about. Regina approached them, unlocked the door and they walked inside.

Alana looked around to see bookshelves, "What is this place?" Alana asked.

"Would you like a tour or shall we just get to it?" Regina asked.

"Lead the way," Emma said.

Regina walked to one of the walls, placed her hand on it, the wall raised, revealing an elevator and the door opened.

"Whoa," The twins said.

"Get in," Regina said.

"After you," Alana said.

"It's a two-man job. The elevator's hand-operated. I have to stay up here and lower the two of you down," Regina said.

"And we're just supposed to trust you?" Emma asked.

"I don't think you two have many choices in the matter, Miss Swan's," Regina said.

"This battle we're supposed to fight... Who is it? What is down there?" Alana asked.

"An old friend," Regina said.

"Then why don't you go talk to them?" Emma asked as she looked at her.

"Because her punishment here was different than every else's. I trapped her... In a different form," Alana and Emma looked confused, "She doesn't want to hear from me. You two have to trust me on that," Regina said.

"Okay. We will go down there. But let's be clear about something... Your Majesty. The only reason you're not dead is because we need your help to save Henry. He dies, so do you," Alana said.

"Well, then let's get on with it. Now, this is what you're both going to have to do," Regina said.

Alana and Emma entered the elevator and they were lowered down the elevator shaft.


At the Forbidden Fortress, Maleficent ascended some stairs and sat on her throne. Prince Charming ambushed her from behind the throne and he placed his sword at her throat.

"Where is it? Where is the best that reigns over this castle?" Prince Charming asked.

Maleficent looked at him and waved her hand using her magic to knock him back down the stairs, "That would be me," Maleficent stood up and descended the steps of the throne, "But beast is so harsh. I prefer Maleficent," Maleficent said.

Prince Charming looked at the golden egg then her, "I'm gonna need a smaller egg," Prince Charming commented.

"Such a shame. So handsome," Maleficent said.

Prince Charming stood up and Maleficent blew out all of the candles with her magic. Prince Charming looked around as the candles were blown out, he was left in complete darkness and he flails his sword, briefly before he heard Maleficent laughing.

 Prince Charming looked around as the candles were blown out, he was left in complete darkness and he flails his sword, briefly before he heard Maleficent laughing

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