38 - The Return

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The next day, August was sleeping in his bed at the Bed & Breakfast, he woke up to find his leg was shaking uncontrollably. He attempted to grab his leg, but he ended up stiffly falling out of the bed. He got up and hobbled over to the phone and dialled a number.

"Hey, you there?... Good... This is taking too long. We need to accelerate the plan," August said.

At Amy's house, she was on the phone as Jefferson walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'll be right shortly," Amy sighed, "Yes, I know... Okay, shortly has changed to right now... Calm down," Amy said and hung up.

Jefferson watched her, "Everything okay?" She turned around, "You seems agitated," He said.

"Yeah, everything's fine, I just... I gotta go, you know where everything is for breakfast, right?" Amy said as she slipped her phone into her back pocket.

"Uh, yeah," Jefferson said.

"Good, I'll see you later," Amy said and walked passed him.

Across the street from the pawnshop, August and Henry were hiding behind a bunch of crates

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Across the street from the pawnshop, August and Henry were hiding behind a bunch of crates.

"It's almost nine," August faced Henry, "You all set? YOu know what to do?" August asked.

"Operation Cobra is always ready. I just..." Henry said.

"You just what?" August asked.

"I called Amy but she said she's busy with another Cobra issue," Henry said.

"She probably is, she's been in Operation Cobra for 28 years before it was Operation Cobra," August said.

"True..." Henry said.

"What is it? Something else is bothering you," August said.

"I don't understand what this has to do with getting Alana and Emma to believe," Henry said.

August peered out around the crates, looking at the shop before turning back to Henry, "Sometimes other priorities assert themselves. Can you handle a little improvisation?" August asked.

"Yeah. Can you?" Henry asked.

August smiled, "We're a go," August said as he patted Henry on the back as he ran across the street into the pawnshop.

As Henry walked into the pawnshop, the bell rang to announce a customer's arrival and Mr Gold walked out from the back, surprised to see HEnry.

"Hey, Mr Gold!" Henry said.

"Good morning, Henry. What can I do for you?" Mr Gold asked.

"I wanna get a gift for Miss Blanchard," Henry said.

"Oh, I see," Mr Gold said.

"Since... She didn't kill that woman," Henry said.

"Good thinking," Mr Gold said as he walked up to him.

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