In my opinion.
There is no "heaven". There is no "Hell".
There isn't much but a loop for you mortals.
You guys are born somewhere and at some time in any universe and you live different lives than everyone. You live different perspectives of the same thing. Then you die. And when you die, you enter the afterlife. And you reflect, you rest, then you start again.
Nothing special, really. You're all like hamsters running in a wheel.
But I did say this was my opinion.
The fact is that there is Heaven and Hell. The kind of thing you would expect and yet... so different. Half of y- Actually. Most of you mortals think that there is an in between. And what I mean by that is that most of you would think there are no exceptions to entering Heaven or Hell. You either have to be perfect for one of them or not. A place for the in between called Purgatory.
Well, the thing is you're not right. But you're not wrong either. There is an in between but not for you. There are exceptions for most souls. But there are souls that we keep with us. We keep the 'purebreds'. Pure good stays. Pure bad stays. Pure halves stay. And as you can imagine, the pure bad souls become demons or devils and stay with Satan in hell making them his workers. The pure good souls become into angels and stay with God in heaven making them her helpers. And the pure half souls become into grim reapers and stay with Lucifer in the middle.
These purebreds usually stay because they are special in something. They could have a simple role like guarding the "gates" of heaven, hell and purgatory; becoming God's, Satan's or Lucifer's apprentice, or just maybe... become a god. Well not a God God. Like a Demi-God. Almost. If they become a god then they have a very specific role. The war and peace gods control war and peace. The revenge and forgiveness gods keep steady balance and so on. There are multiple, multiple gods for even the smallest of things but the main idea is that they are the best of the best in their role.
At this point I'm sure you're confused but I think you'll get it soon. It sure is a long, long, loooong process which, In my opinion, is ridiculous. Think what you want about this. I won't stop you. I don't care enough.
"Now who am I to know this and have an opinion?"
Well to myself I'm a no-one. I'm just a soul, really. I'm just here to do my job.
The names Lucifer.
Son of Satan and God, brother to Jesus himself, and God of death. Ruler of Purgatory and souls in the middle. Prince of Grim Reapers.
More Than It Seems
SpiritualCiel wants to live a normal life. But that's not possible when you're a god.