On a day in a city called Old Country Road inside a cardboard box fort there
were two mentilgen Snake and Homer. Snake was a box man that loved boxes so much
he would date the box he was in. Homer is a fat clown that retired as a villain, his army
of evil balloon animals inside with them.
They were enjoying their cooked potato couch with the silent prince pepper in it
when suddenly a giant warthog appeared out of nowhere it was made out of black goo.
It attacked the king of Old Country Road, King Chonks and the Princess Zink.
King Chonks looked at the warthog then said to himself “Dear god, It's Dork
Gannon!” Princess Zink tried to run away with the most magical device The Nokia! It
has the looks of a smartphone with a sandstone casing but don't underestimate the
phone. It has been known to break any material when thrown at.It has the magical
powers of making the worst images in black and white and even more magic. She got to
the magical place of pictures and put the Nokia in its docking platform. She then started
to walk towards the chosen one to aid him in his battle.
Snake and Homer went to Dork Gannon to end him; they stand in front of the
castle Snake summons his weapon Big Doggo and Homer also summons his weapon
Catzilla. With their weapons with them, walk through the path to the kfc lobby. They are
greeted by Dork Gannon in his nerd appearance with the duo having the upper hand as
they rush to him! Before the first blow magical spiders made with more sandstone and a
pot made out of sandstone upside down on their body.
The spiders attacked the duo in hopes of destroying them. They used their laser
bams to burn their eyes but instead of destroying their eyes they wounded them
weakening them to an almost knock out. Dork Gannon said in a scratchy voice “Take
them outside and dismiss their weapons” the spiders did so. Separated from their
weapons and the tools. They were thrown out of the castle.they started to painfully walk
to the princess.The princess still walking noticed one of the spiders walking around. She was
seen by the spider now with a red laser pointed at her for better accuracy. She hid
behind a buttered fly not a butterfly but a buttered fly.She looked at the spider and
realized that it was something she saw earlier. “Guardians! Dork Gannon used some of
his magic to control them” Zink said still behind that fly that she is still behind.
The guardian started walking towards Zink; it stopped right in front of her. It
looked around then left going back to its routine. She then waited for the guardian to
look away before she ran towards the castle. She hoped the chosen one would be okay
by the time she got there. Going by every guardian as fast as she could making sure
red lasers don't touch her.
The wounded duo walked as much as they could to reach Princess Zink before
collapsing on the ground with their heads planted in the ground.Zink noticed and ran
towards them. She then picked them up and started carrying them to the magical place
of pictures but guardians roamed around them. They started the laser beams and aimed
at the duo. But before they fired Zink got in the way of the lasers and a shape of three
triangles shaped like a pyramid. The Tri-Dunce it was called came out of her forehead
this is a tool that we need later so better remember. Stopping Dork Gannon to control
Guardians one mile away from Zink, she then called the Nokia Tribe to send the duo to
the place of pictures. They did as they were told putting them inside The Human Repair
Station or as Lelda people say The Shrine Of Dank Memes!
One hundred years of Dork Gannon later
The duo wake up in a bath with nothing but their under pants. They looked
around then saw each other. They both got up, looked at themselves and said “who are
you? Me? I have no idea.” They forgot everything. In the room of silence a soft voice
said “finally you are both awake. Now take the Nokia and you will see everything
This Is The End Of Chapter 1
The Legend Of Snake Breath Of The Box
Humorthis is the story I made after my first one that was called The Amazing But Pathetic Adventure Of Snake. this was also made in grade 7 and still going so I hope you are prepared and enjoy!