4- Wharf Horse

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This is one of two different scenarios where someone dies. This is the one where Fanny has the gun...


"You guys are so bad at drowning. I guess I'm gonna have to shoot you!" Fanny complains, pointing the gun at Bob.

"Oh, God. I'm sorry I got us into this. Kids, I love you. And, Linda, I love you, too. Almost as much as the kids, but not..." Bob cries out.

"Oh, Bobby... I love you, too. I'm sorry I was mad at you about the stupid condos!" I apologize in tears.

"I love you, Mom! And you, Dad!" Gene declares.

"I love you all. But that's just between us." Louise adds.

"I love everyone! I love you, Mom!" Tina shouts.

"Oh, I love you too, honey!" I hug her close to me.

"What-what are they all doing?" Complains Calvin.

"I have no idea." Felix is puzzled.

"I love you guys!" Bob repeats

"I love you, Dad!" Gene replies.

"Oh, God, they're starting again." The eldest Fischoeder groans.

"I love you, Mom!" Tina hugs me.

"Okay, listen up! I'm gonna shoot you first. One..." Fanny cocks the gun.

"Bobby, no!" I wail.

"Two..." She continues.

"Fanny, wait!" Bob begs. "D-Don't do this! I have a family! My kids don't deserve to die! My wife doesn't deserve to die! I need them! God, I need them!"

"I've had enough of your jabbering! This is all your fault!" Fanny shoots right as she says the word "fault."

Bob immediately slumps over, the ocean water tinted red. "NOOOOO!" Me and the kids scream.

"Bobby! Bob, no! No!" I cry.

Fanny points her gun at Felix next, shooting almost immediately. Then it's pointed towards Calvin.

Then Tina. I wail desperately to try and stop her. "FANNY DON'T! NOT MY BABIES! TEENY TINA!"

Tina is beside me, trembling. "D-Dad...w-why?"

I hug Tina, protecting her with everything I have. "You can't take my kids away from me!"

Fanny rolls her eyes and fires again, hitting Tina's head. "BABY, NOOOO!"

Gene and Louise sob in disbelief, clinging to their sister and trying to stop her from sinking.

I hold my teeny Tina's hand, knowing she's gone. "Oh God no, why?!"

I beg for my two remaining children with every last breath I have. "You can take me, but don't hurt my babies!"

"Just shut up!" She demands, waving the gun around.

Fanny fires two more shots. So rapidly that I become stunned, still screaming for my kids' lives.

But she's already killed them. They go limp, and I can't hold all three of them up.

Tina begins to sink as I try to cling to her, using my other arm to carry Gene and Louise.

But I can't. I'm not strong enough to hold them all. So they float down to the sea floor.

Losing every bit of sanity and hope I have, I scream at the top of my lungs. "NOOOOOO!"

Before I know it, the gun is pointed at me. But when Fanny fires, the gun clicks.

She's out of ammo. "No! T-Take me with them! Take me! You already took my world! My husband! My kids! Oh God!"

Without a reason to live, I just want Fanny to take me out of my misery. Why me? Why couldn't she have run out of bullets earlier?

"Please...my...my family..." I cry.

"Trust me, I'd shut you up if I could!" Fanny pouts at me. All this for a stupid nightclub.

"Was it worth killing children for a freaking nightclub?!" I question furiously.

"Well duh." Fanny scoffs.

With truly no remorse, Fanny only laughs. My kids are gone because of her. My husband.

Oh Bobby...I'm glad you didn't have to see our babies die. But watching you die too...I can't breathe anymore.

Fanny out of bullets, I release all of the tension in my body and let myself drown.

And I close my eyes. My life flashes before them as I let out the last of my air.

I see myself meeting Bob. Us dating. Us getting married. What simple days those were...

The day I found out I was pregnant for the first time. The look on Bob's face when I told him. And the look of pure love when our kids were first born.

Tina's first words. Her first steps. Her first day of school. Her first kiss. Her first everything.

Gene playing music. Him laughing. Him cuddling with me and making jokes.

Louise's sly smile. Her sneaky little laugh. Her pranks. Her mischief. And whether she likes to admit it or not, her love for her family.

The images in my head stop as my lungs beg for air. I gasp, only breathing in salt water.

The pain is immense, but I focus on my family. It's all I can do now as I lay here dying.

"Lin..." A voice calls out.

"B-Bobby?" I open my eyes, only seeing a blinding light.

"Linda..." He says again.

"The...The kids..." I whisper.

"They're safe. Just...keep sinking." Bob replies.

I do as he says, feeling the sand between my fingers. And soon, instead of the sand, I feel Bob's hand in mine.

Our fingers intertwined, I lay my other hand out for the kids. And they take it. And I don't care if this is my mind playing tricks on me.

Because in my dying moments, I am home.

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