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Hi guys! I'm so excited for this story ahhh I haven't written in so long but I hope you all enjoy the Fanfic! Please leave me comments and VOTE! Love you all :)
Caitlyn's POV:

The sound of my ever so annoying phone alarm goes off, waking me up from my very sound sleep. While I would normally sigh and loath this noise this early in the morning, today I know that it means one thing: I'm moving into college!

This entire summer after high school has truly been a total whirlwind for me. I was always more of the quite and studious type in high school. Keeping my head down and getting my work done was always kind of what I did best, but the summer after high school was the first time I started going out and having some fun. However, I still never really had the full experience of going to wild high school parties or doing normal reckless teenager things. The summer made me realize that I wanted that all to change.

All my hard work in high school did pay off though once I found out I was accepted to the University of London, my dream school. Coming from a small town in Greensboro, North Carolina I always had big dreams of moving to another country and the UK was always at the top of the list for me. So many people told me that moving to London would be too big of an adjustment for me or that living in a big city like London would be so unsafe for a young girl like me but I never let that stop me.

My mom Rosalie and younger brother Matt came with me to help move in to university which I couldn't be more thankful for because I don't know if I'd be able to do it without them. This past week consisted mostly of just picking out the basics for my dorm room and exploring the city. In all honesty, my mom did most of the shopping while I just tagged along since picking out curtain colors and conferters isn't necessarily my favorite thing to do.

While it would normally take me ages to make my way out of bed, I was the first one up in our hotel room and I had to practically drag my brother out of bed.

" Caitlyn today is the day! I can't believe my baby is going to be off living on her own." my mom said with tears brimming her eyes as we left our hotel room with all my dorm supplies in hand.

" Mom you can't cry this early, we haven't even left the hotel yet" I said though a small laugh

" I know honey, trust me it's going to be a long day" making the both of us laugh,finally

" And I won't be completely on my own mom, I'll have Jess."

Jess is my soon to be roommate. I've haven't met her yet but we were randomly selected to live together through the UL system. I have been a bit worried about rooming with a girl I knew nothing about but luckily this entire summer Jess and I have been texting and calling non stop and I'm so excited to finally meet her.

The cab ride to the university seems like a lifetime as I'm stuck in my thoughts, overthinking everything about how my first year here is going to turn out. What if I don't make any friends? What if it's all just going to be high school repeating itself?

" What's going on in that head of yours?" my mom asks with a concerned look on her face

" Nothing, just overthinking things as usual"

" Oh don't worry Cait, these four years are going to be the best of your life and I want you to be excited about what's ahead for you. There is so much to look forward to."

Her response was pretty much exactly what I needed to hear

" Yeah I know" I said with a small smile tugging at side of my lips

" And I won't have to see you for a whole four years so maybe these will be the best years of MY life" my little brother Matt said sitting beside

" Hey, you're not getting rid of me that easy, I'll still be home to visit on holidays."

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