Adapting to the circumstance

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Shila knew that going on the Kerberos mission would be a long and maybe dangerous. But wouldn't never could she have anticipated on being imprisoned by Aliens.
Soon after being taken onto their ship,Shila was separated from the Holts to be brought into what she thinks it was women's prison, although seeing all the variations of different alien species, she couldn't be sure.

She was able to talk with the Alien species, and they explained to her what was going on.
Hearing the story of the galra and their terrifying Emperor Zarkon,Shila become worried for Earth. Soon after being brought to prison cell, for maybe a day at the most, Shila and some other prisoners were taken to what the Galra  soldiers called the arena.
She didn't like the sound of that at all.

Shila was briefly reunited with Matt, who explained that his father had been sent to a labor camp somewhere. Soon they both realized that the arena the Galra soldiers had take them to was where they expected to fight to the death, gladiator style.
To Shila soft curves and elegant posture, and her athletic and fit body, She can fight a man twice her size,
thanks to her intense training from her childhood and at the Garrison. She wasn't not worried about herself, but for Matt, who had no fighting experience. Knowing that he wouldn't last against the monstrous being called Myzax, Shila wounded Matt, faking a bloodthirsty act so that she would be chosen to fight Myzax instead of him.
Not only that, but she hoped that the injury would sent him to a labor camp where he would have a better chance of survival than here.
Fighting Myzax was gruelling, she could tell that the Galra audience expected her to lose. But Shila find out
the pattern of Myzax's weapon, she was able to use it to her advanbtage to knock him put.
Silence had fallen on the arena as Myzax collapsed and didn't get back up.
Then the Galra cheered loudly at their new champion, who was barely standing on her legs, breathing heavily.
Shila was brought out of the arena and hosed down with freezing water and back to her cell.

For the next few weeks, the pattern continue. Fight, hosed down, food, sleep, fight, hosed down, food, sleep.
In every fight is a new enemy  as different and monstrous as the last. Some of the fights lasted minutes while some felt like hours.

Time was difficult to calculate here. The Galra soldiers used foreign language like 'ticks'and'vargas' to tell the time.
After a month being taken into captivity, she was taken to a different part of the ship. Then there Shila met the druids and their high priestess Haggar.  They spoke of Shila as if she was only an object to be observed and experimented on, making Shila nervous as to what they were planning on doing to her. Haggar becomes intrested in Shila's right arm, prodding at it continuously, hard enough for it to hurt. "You have been sluggish in your most recent battles." Haggar told Shila in her whispery voice, startling Shila. That was true Shila hadn't been feeling in top form, most likely due to her muscular disease she had been dealing with back on Earth. "Explain."Haggar asked Shila,wanted the answer.
Shila hesitated for a second before starting to talking.
"I was diagnosed with a muscular disease that cause weakness and wasting of muscle in my right arm. I had ways to deal with it before I was captured. "She said shortly, trying to hide the nervousness in her voice.
Haggar said nothing and Shila was brought back to her cell.

She didn't fight for some time before she was brought back to the druids. All she remember was being injected with something and blacking out. When she woke up in her cell.At first Shila didn't notice anything different until she tried to move her right arm. It moved, but it felt different. When Shila looked down at it, she almost shouted in horror. Her arm has been replaced by a prosthetic.
That following month was filled with more battles, harsher and more intense then the previous month. When Shila is in her cell she would think, on how to get out and saving the Holts, as well warning Earth about the Galra empire.

Besides fighting in the arena, she has 'check-ups' with the druids, which was more akin to torture then anything.
From what little chatter she has picked up from the guards and the druids, Shila was a fan favorite among the Gladiators in the arena, and not just because she was the champion. Even though she looked very different to the female Galra she has seen, the male Galra soldiers and commanders seem to find her attractive. This was way they were doing check-ups on her, to see that she would last longer to entertain the Galra. It sickened her.

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