Not just mating

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Warning sex in this chapter

Sendak had called a Galra servant to collect the Champion's garments and bring some other necessities. Once the skinny female had gone, Sendak patiently waited, sitting in a huge armchair like seat. He flicked through some logs and reports on a touch screen from his underlings while he waited for the human to come out of the bathroom.

When a few long moments came and went. He went to get her himself.
He knew that the Champion was angry and hostile about the situation, but Sendak cared little for what she thought of felt of the circumstance. She was still a prisoner, and he had been in charge of her by Zarkon, so in a way, he owed her.
The door opened automatically as he got near it and he found the Champion staring  at herself blankly  in the full body mirror, toying slightly with her white fringe. She jumped  when he addressed her, having been lost in thought.

"Are you done." He asked gruffly. It wasn't  really a question, more of a sign for her to get out. The woman crossed her arms and glared at him. He could still see the wariness and fear in her eyes. Resisting the urge to just claim her right here and there, he motioned his head towards the exit and she quickly went passed him.

Again, Shila had expected Sendak to join her in the large room. But the door closed as she left. Shila assumed that Sendak wanted to be clean after his fight with Ranveig, which seeing how Sendak looked like cruel brute, Shila found to be a contradiction.
Shila then looks around the room. For one, it was huge. Like everything in the Galra empire. It seemed the walls were the typical dark purple, with streaks of bright purple lights of what she assumed were the circuits of the ship covering  them. The floor wasn't the typical cold hard metal floors of the ship, but a dark almost black carpet which was soft to stand on.
There was round thick glass table one side of the room with two huge armchairs like seats, with exotically colored fur rugs covering them.
But what the most noticeable thing in the room, was th he huge bed.
It seemed to be one of those platforms beds that had no legs, but the mattress was a lot higher off the ground so that it reached up to Shila's waist, probably because Sendak was so tall. The bed was covered in a huge thick rugs of furs, and the pillows strewn a little bit everywhere on top.

When Shila concluded that Sendak was taking a bath and would be a while. She decided to snoop around. She wasn't sure what she was expecting to find, maybe a secret escape or a way to contact Earth. When her hands touch a area in the wall, it opened to reveal what looks likes to be a closet.
It contains Sendak's armor, not only the one she was familiar with, but also other kinds, namely in black, purple and dark blue. The closest door slid shut as she walks away from it.

Shila attempted to open the door she came in from, but it wouldn't budge.
Shila was frustrated as she collapsed on one of the huge armchairs, sinking into the rugs.
The furs were so soft and welcoming. Shila didn't realize how tried she was
She got plenty of sleep in her everyday routine, but after today's events and the bath had worn her out, both emotionally and mentally. Without even realizing it, she drifted off to a first comfortable sleep in over three months.

Sendak was done from his bath. He got rid of Ranveig's stench from his fur. Thanks to the technology on the ship, he had no difficulty when it came to drying it. He came out of the bath with only pants on, made from the same fabric as his body armor. Which was thrown into a corner for a servant  to pick up later.
He exited the bathroom, fully expecting Shila to either be hiding from him. But he found her sleeping in one of his covered fur chairs.
Sendak never seen the Champion sleep and he observed her for a while. From Haggar had told him, that humans needed a lot more sleep then Galra did.
He noticed how relaxed she looked, free of worries and stress.
It was pleasant to watch, Sendak admitted to himself. The moment was short lived as the bathroom door slid shut behind him, making Shila jump awake.
But when she saw the half naked Sendak, she jumped out of the chair and got into a defensive pose as if ready to fight.

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