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The Lord smiled down on the little family of four. They were home, they were whole, and they were not alone. His plan for their lives was thriving. The stage was set and He knew they were ready to move beyond their lives from the past, into the future and things that were new.

Satan regarded the Lord with a knowing smile.

"You anticipate the fulfillment of your plan at last," he predicted.

"I anticipate your challenge to me will be met. This man and woman I have chosen, my faithful, are at the very edge of their memories. There is very little else I can teach them from that. But they are ready. I predict my faithful will prevail in what I have planned for the rest of their lives," the Lord said.

"Ah, but if they reach the end of their dreams, they also reach the end of their script. They will not have the guide you have provided to them thus far. At last the opportunities to lead them astray are wide open," Satan said with a gleeful tone.

"That may be, but my faithful will continue to listen to me," the Lord maintained.

"They don't always ... sometimes they listen to me," Satan reminded the Lord of Hosts.

"And that, I believe, was the nature of your challenge. Faith is strong in these two. They don't hide what they believe; they support it in each other with the approval of their families. I believe they will prevail," the Lord said. "Now that they are home the stage is set. My plan can be set into place. For only now can their true work to begin."

The End


  The adventures of Greg and Susan will continue in Book 5: Living Without Dreams, now on Wattpad.  

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