Untitled Part 1

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(1922, Germany)

"Happy Birthday Son!" Hoenhiem laughed "Eighteen today eh? And your still as small as ever!"

"Don't call me small!"  across the table from Hoenheim was his son Edward, who sat leaning on his hand with a cone shaped birthday hat sloping on the top of his head. Hoenhiem chuckles again, "Come on lighten up Ed, as of today your an adult."

Edward smiled, that made him remember telling his teacher that he thought he'd grown up when first certified a state alchemist at twelve years old but then realized he still had a long way to go.

(Flashback: 1920, Amestris)                                                                                                                                    In the abandoned factory and the death place of Lust the sixteen year old Edward stood with his teacher Izumi. They watched Shou Tucker's deformed body trudge along and mumble to the lifeless doll that represented his late daughter Nina, he could only achieve forming her body with the legendary philoser's stone but nothing could restore her life. "Even with the stone," Ed quietly said "he couldn't make her soul."

"And your okay with this?" Izumi asked 

"That soulless doll is the embodiment of his sin, just like Sloth represented my sin and Wrath yours."

Izumi smiled to her student "you've really grown up Edward." Ed looked up slightly surprised "I-I've grown up?" He gave a sad smile "I thought I grown up when I was certified a state alchemist, but obviously I still had a long way to go." 

(back to 1922, Germany)

That was almost two years ago, and he would often wander how his teacher was or how everyone was for that matter. He missed them, he missed his brother Alphonse who he thought was dead and he missed the man he loved, Roy. 

"Yeah, guess I finally am an adult. Though it dosn't feel like it," he lifts his head from his hand and sits straight "Well you haven't exactly had the most normal childhood,"

"Heh, tell me about it," Ed laughed softly. He found it ironic how after everything he went through, after losing everyone, he ended up living with the same man who left him as a child. But after all Hoenhiem was his father, only one from the same place he was, the one he didn't feel lost talking to. His father laughed again "well Anyway I bought some alcohol considering I was in Romenia last year and couldn't see you." Hoenhiem said reaching to a bag near bag and pulling out some Altbeir beer. "The man selling me this said they only brew it in Düsseldorf."

 "In Amestrais you have to be twenty before you can smoke or drink," Ed said "But your in Germany my boy! What ever the law is in a different dimension dosn't matter!" 

"I promised Roy I'd have my first drink with him when i was old enough," Ed smiled sadly at the memory "Oh it's okay you don't have to drink it" Hoenhiem reassured him "No one says you have to."

"Okay" Ed answers slightly cheerier "It's two years until I'm twenty I just hope I can keep my promise."

"I'm sure you will, you really miss him don't you?" Ed sighed and answered with a nod "I'm not going to ruin the mood though I'm sure I'll see him again," he forced a laugh out. Hoenhiem smiled "You know Roy's a good guy for you, despite the illegal age diffrence but now that your an adult that dosn't matter anymore." They both laugh "I'm glad you found the right man Edward, you know your mother and I always thought you'd marry that girl you and Al would always play with as kids, what's her name, Sarah?"

"Winry," Ed corrected him "Sarah was her mother, but both of her parents died in the Ishbalian rebelian." After saying that out loud Ed got a sudden surge of negitive and a lump in his throat as he realised who killed Winry's parents. None other than the Flame Alchemist himself. Hoenhiem noticed this and dcided to change the subject. "Oh yes I remember now, anyway have you thought about a job yet?"

"humm not really I was thinking of mabye looking for a temperary job in town while I look for a University."

"That's a good idea, I see no need for a rush."

"Yeah well I'm really tired and I think I'll head up to bed now." Ed got up from his chair to head for the stairs of their small house. "Night,"

"Goodnight Ed." Hoenhiem answered before the phone rang. "Who'd be calling at this time?" He muttered to himself making his way to the phone before holding it to his ear. "Hello?"

"Hoenhiem of Light, my name is Dietlinde Eckhart leader of the Thule Society I beleive we've met before."

"What do you want?" Hoenhiem sounded somewhat angry. The woman on the other end laughs. "We know where you come form Hoenhiem, you come from another world, a place where the mythical science Alchemy exsits, you come from Shamballa." 

"You still beleive in that, it's not true Shamballa doesn't exist."

"Don't lie we know Alchemy doesn't work in our world, but I know how the Thule Society can open a pathway to Shamballa all we need is your help, and to sacrifice the great serpent."

"Great serpent?" Hoenhiem knew that to open the gate between the paralell worlds you needed to sacrifice a homuncuas on each side. But there's no homunculas in this world and what's this 'Great serpent' buisness, unless... No it couldn't be that's impossible... But it occured to Hoenhiem that it was possible Envy may of passed through the gate with Edward in the form of a serpant. His eyes widened how can this be? "So you'll help," Eckhart assumed "I never said I'd get involved." 

"Well you see Hoenhiem of Light you don't really have a choice unless you want anything happening to your presious son."

"What?" Hoenhiem was too shocked with this, they know about Edward?!

"Yes we know all about your son, spies can be useful. Edward Elric's his name? Very handsome, would be a shame if something happened to him because his fath-"FIne!" Hoenhiem cut her off "Oh good I'm glad we came to an agreement so you better leave for Munich Tonight, okay?"

"Wait tonight?"

"Yes tonight." Before Hoenhiem could say anything she hung up leaving a dead silence in the room.

As of tonight he'd leave to help the evil Thule Society, but he knew he had to, even though Ed would never forgive him for leaving agian. It was the only way Hoenhiem could protect Edward.

Author's note: wow that took a while, I'm not used to writing in third person, past tense. I'm really excited for this story and I hope you all like it. I'll try an update fast :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2015 ⏰

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