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"Lil, I can explain," he scrambles to pull on his shirt after I quickly crawl off of him and stand up. "It's not what it looks-"

I give him an incredulous look while I laugh. "How can that not be what it looks like?" I ask rhetorically while pointing at his now covered chest. "You got a permanent tattoo of her name! You're un-fucking-believable!" I shake my head and pace.

"I'm gonna get it covered up," he promises, "it was just an impulse! It was nothing serious!" He tries to grab my elbows to stop me from pacing.

Slapping them away, I place two hands on his chest and push him. He stumbles back into my bed. "Getting someone's name tattooed on you is as serious as it gets, Hawk!"

"No, no, no, no, no," he repeats and gets up, staying at a safe distance this time. "Please, please don't call me that right now," he begs.

"Why not?! It's what you wanna be called right?? It's what started this whole mess!" I wave my arms around as my voice grows louder.

He reaches out again. "Lily...I always wanna be known by you as Eli," he sighs, and when I look at him I see his eyes start to glisten. "I messed up. I know that. But, I promise! I'm gonna get it covered up and I'm never gonna mess this up again."

"It's too late for that," I chuckle incredulously and head to the window. "It's the fact that you did it in the first place and you weren't gonna say anything until you got caught!" He shakes his head rapidly.

"Lily, I swear-"

I point out the window with my other arm crossed over my chest. "It's the fact that you were gonna restart our relationship with a secret," I whisper. "Just...get out. I don't wanna see you anymore except in class."

He opens his mouth to say something but when I look away, no words come. I back up and hug my arms to my chest as he climbs out the window. As soon as he's out, I slam it closed and lock it. How could I be so stupid?

The next day at class, we sit on our knees around the mat and take turns sparring as pairs. We watch as Miguel and Hawk throw and dodge blows. Well, I don't. I pointedly look at their footwork so I don't have to see Hawk's stupid face.

Miguel punches him in his stomach. They bow and prepare to go again when the front door rings, signaling somebody entering. Mr. LaRusso storms in and we all quickly get to our feet. I notice his distressed state and then gasp quietly when he steps on the mat with his shoes on.

He's accusing us of doing something to the Miyagi-Do dojo. I look around at Miguel and Aisha, who look as confused as I do. My shoulders jump when Mr. LaRusso starts yelling.

"He doesn't teach destruction! And disrespect!" My stomach sinks. What really happened to the dojo, and why does he think Cobra Kai did it? "I know you don't earn the Medal of Honor by stealing it!"

That was Mr. Miyagi's medal. I feel sick. Surreptitiously, I check everyone's facial expressions for any sign of knowledge. When I get to Hawk, he meets my eyes but he can't hold it for long. I inhale deeply. "No..." I murmur as the pieces click.

He manages to meet my eyes again and he silently shakes his head, eyes pleading for me not to tell. I close my eyes tightly and when I open them, I look away, jaw clenched shut. Mr. LaRusso turns to leave, glancing quietly in my direction. I open my mouth but can't find anything to say.

When he storms out, half of our class follows. Despite the fact that putting cracks in Cobra Kai was the goal, a weird feeling takes root inside of me at seeing these nerds just turn tail and run. After everything Sensei did for them, they defect? It doesn't seem right.

Losing Lily (Eli Moskowitz x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now