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"SLEEVES? She is asking about SLEEVES?" Luke examined the screen

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"SLEEVES? She is asking about SLEEVES?" Luke examined the screen. "Well, you rip all the sleeves off your shirts-" Alex explains. "Yeah, I know but..why?" Luke asked. 

Why does he wear sleeves? "I guess I just like the feeling of being free?" He said before he set the laptop on his lap. "You do you Luke. You are a weird one." Julie chuckled. "Oh shut it! At least I don't have a dReAm bOx" He scoffed. 

"Well, I don't have a man journal and I know how to respect BOUNDRIES!" Julie said. Although he knew she was right, he didn't wanna admit it. 

"Dude, you need to reply.." Reggie said. "Yeah, I know! But what the heck do I say?" Luke face palms himself before trying to write a response. 

He had a reason, but it was too personal to share. It resembles something.


Dear hanna_banana812

cuz I like it lol.

-Luke P 🎸

(p.s. I wear them also cause Julie likes it, I think?)



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