Chapter 17 - He's My Friend Too

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A few hours after Billy and Peter had their heart-to-heart, Sarah and Denise showed up and Billy had to explain what happened all over again. Just like Peter, the girls understood what happened and didn't place blame on Billy for what happened. They were, however, in shock about what happened. Sarah especially.

"I just can't believe she didn't tell me. She told me so many secrets, but never all of them."

Billy consoled Sarah, softly placing his hand on her back. She leaned into the boy, relaxing herself on his shoulder. As much as she hurt, she couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness, as it felt like they were getting close to figuring out what happened to Brenda. This was the furthest they'd gotten in their investigation and it was huge. Once they got the name, they got their culprit.

"So, how are we going to find the guy who did this to her?"

"I was thinking, maybe we just take a bunch of pictures of all the guys at school to the cashier and have him point him out," Peter suggested.

"Yeah, or maybe just last year's yearbook. We can take my car and go back up there tomorrow to ask him," Denise added, smiling at Peter.

Peter's face went red. He still hadn't ended things with Denise. He had planned to the day after Billy and him got back, but Billy's crash put a damper in his plan. He also felt better knowing he had someone to cover up the fact that he was into a boy now.

"Are you down to do that, Peter?" Billy asked, taking notice of his friend's red face.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Alright then. After you figure out who it is, comeback here immediately. No stops. Don't risk anything."

Peter and Denise nodded in agreement. Peter knew she still loved him and didn't want to hurt her, but he didn't want to go on living in a lie.

"Can I come too?" Sarah asked, wanting to be included.

"Actually, can you stay here with me? My mom is going to visit my older sister in Albany tomorrow and I'd really rather not be alone."

"She's leaving already? You literally just woke up," Peter interjected, harshly.

"Well, my sister and her family couldn't make it to visit me because they're having money problems, so my mom is going there tomorrow to help."

"I guess it's different in that case," Peter started. "To be honest, I didn't even know you had a sister."

"I guess there's still more things for you to learn about me," Billy smirked and shot him a wink,

The silent flirting was interrupted by Billy's doctor, explaining that visiting hours were over and it was time for Billy to take his medicine and go to bed. His three friends shuffled out of his room, Peter being the last and leaving Billy with a soft kiss on the cheek. The short boy walked back to his house, anxious, knowing the car ride tomorrow was going to be nothing short of dreadful


The second the 8th period bell rang, Denise and Peter were out of their seats and rushing to Denise's car. Peter would usually be on his way to the hospital to see Billy around this time, but instead he was back in a car. He hadn't been in one since he got word of Billy's accident. Every place he'd been had been by foot or bike. Peter hadn't even realized that he was dreading getting back in one until he slid onto Denise's dark gray seats. He fastened his seatbelt, and gave Denise a fake smile to insinuate that he was excited.

"What's the address of this place again?"

Peter internally reprimanded himself for forgetting the street address. "Uh, I'm not sure. But I have Gabe Robinson's Mom's address and I know where it is from there."

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