Chapter 14 - Since The Day We Met, I've Liked You

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Billy's heart was still beating profusely when he woke up the following morning. The light shining through the poorly closed curtains woke him up. His brain was groggy, his vision was blurry, and he felt the strange but welcome sensation of body heat next to him. The feeling stretched from his his chest, to his torso, to his arms. When his vision came to, he was greeted by a blob of brunette hair right in front of him. His eyes fell and he saw his arms were slung around Peter's waist. Billy was instantly hit with a reminder of what had happened the night before. The fire of that kiss reignited itself onto Billy's lips, leaving the boy anxious about whether Peter still felt the same way about Billy as he did last night.

Billy swiftly slid his arms out from Peter's clutch, trying not to wake the boy, but failed miserably. The shorter boy rigorously stretched his limbs—Billy just sitting back on his end of the bed, acting as if the boy wasn't in his arms all night. Peter jerked his head around towards Billy, instantly lighting up at the sight of him.

"Good morning," Peter said with a groggy voice and a smile on his face.

Billy's cheeks went slightly red and he responded with a simple " 'morning." The butterflies from last night quickly came back.

"Did you sleep okay? I wasn't too rowdy during my sleep?" Peter asked, placing a hand on Billy's knee.

"No, not at all. Everything was good."

"That's good. Question: were those your arms I felt wrapped around me?" Peter asked rhetorically.

Billy quickly jumped into apologizing. "Shit, I'm so sorry. I didn't even realize it happened until I woke up and I moved myself off of you after and it was just a big mistake and-"

Peter lunged forward into a passionate kiss, cutting off the remainder of Billy's rambling, putting him at ease. Peter broke the kiss and placed his hand on the taller boy's cheek, gently rotating his thumb on the surface. "You have too much anxiety. I wasn't drunk, I don't have any memory loss. You can be at ease for awhile. Everything that happened last night, I wanted it to happen. I really like you, Billy."

Billy found his cheeks going red once again. "I like you, too," he said, trying to hide his flushed red cheeks.

"I had been trying to deny it. Sort of in an attempt to not let those losers from my old school win in knowing I like boys, but I couldn't stop thinking about you. Since the day we met, I've liked you. Even after you beat the shit out of me. It was odd, but I still liked you. That night, when you kissed me in your car, I wanted so bad to be able to just give in, I did for a second, but then I started to hate myself. Started thinking about how every word the idiots back in Texas called me was the truth."

"It isn't. They were just saying it to be cruel. They didn't know you."

"Well I know that now, and I'm glad I do, but Billy, I don't know how we're going to do this. I want to be with you, more than anything, but you know how people are and how they'd treat us. The world is so twisted. We would never be able to leave our houses."

The taller boy pulled Peter into a hug which the latter reciprocated. Both of the boys had been repressing their feelings, knowing that the way they felt towards each other was considered "dirty" and "wrong." Something that, to them, felt like a burst of euphoria, was deemed a disgusting sin by everyone around them.

"Fuck everyone else," Billy uttered. Only three words, yet those three words made Peter feel better. All he need to be content was Billy. No one had made him feel the way he did.

"Can we just lay here for a little while longer? Before we have to go back to pretending like we're nothing more than good friends?" Peter asked—his heart aching at the second question.

Billy shot him a smile and positioned himself back in the position he slept in. Peter pushed himself back into him and the taller boy put his arms perfectly around Peter's torso. Both the boys could feel each other's heartbeats racing. Something that seemed so out of the question over a month ago was now what they had both found themselves wanting more of.

Author's note//

Okay, so, I know this chapter is VERY VERY short. It's 1/4 of what I usually write, but I'm out of town, and haven't really been able to get the creativity for where I want to go next in this story, so I just cut it short. A short little fluff chapter before we get back to the chaos. Think of it as a gay intermission lol.

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