Chapter 15 - The Brunette, I Do Remember Her

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Hours passed before the two boys eventually decided to break their embracement. When they decided to skip school to go searching, they'd hoped to be back by 1 P.M. not finally leave the room at 1 P.M. The two just couldn't seem to stop holding each other. Billy found himself exploring below Peter's shirt, not letting a single part go untouched and Peter couldn't help but play with the boy's hair and caress his face.

"I think it's time we get to what we came here for," Billy expressed, still holding the smaller boy in his hands.

"No, no, no. Not yet," Peter begged.

"Peter, it's 1 P.M. It was your idea to be back on the road home by now."

"That was before. Now all I want is to be here with you." Peter showered Billy with several kisses, trying to convince the boy to remain in bed for a little while longer.


"Come on, Billy," Peter smirked, starting to kiss down Billy's chest, hinting at going lower.

Billy contemplated. He was happy with Peter, but he knew he could never be truly happy until he figured out what happened to Brenda. "As tempting as that is, we can't. We're already hours behind schedule. Let's just get dressed and head out."

The rejection put a frown on Peter's face. He was trying to make their time out of town count, as he knew the second they got back home they'd have to go back to being just friends. As bad as that was to think about, Peter knew Billy deserved answers, so he obliged, and started throwing on his clothes.

"So, once we get to that gas station, what's the plan?" Peter asked.

"Well, first we ask the cashier if he was the one working the night Brenda came in, then we ask if she told him anything, and then we'll figure out the next step after."

"What if it's a different cashier?"

"Then this trip was a waste of my time," Billy blurted out, not realizing what he said and how harshly he said it.

Peter felt a sting in his heart at Billy's words. He figured Billy didn't mean it the way it came out but hearing the taller boy call the whole trip a waste of time hurt in any context. Especially after the night they just shared.

Billy must have caught a glimpse of Peter's distress, as he corrected himself saying "except for you, of course."

The reassurance put the smile he had back on, and got him getting ready to go hunt for information on Brenda.


The two boys checked out of their hotel room quickly after they finished getting ready. They got into Billy's car and Billy drove to Gabriel's mom's house on Cord Circle. He didn't really know where he was supposed to go after that. He figured he'd just circle around the neighborhood and find the closest gas station.

Billy internally berated himself for not asking the name of the gas station. The revelation of Brenda possibly being hurt by someone he didn't know of had taken over in his mind.

It wasn't long until they arrived on Cord Circle. Billy made his way around the street and the neighboring one. He started down another street until a man walking his dog came into his view. Billy quickly shifted the car into park.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked, not aware of the dog-walker.

Billy only pointed towards the man, which was enough for Peter to understand what was going on. He unbuckled himself and got out of his car. He jogged over to the man, inciting the medium sized dog.

"Sorry about her, she's a chihuahua," the man chuckled. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, um, do you know where the closest gas station is? I'm not from around here, and my car is low on gas."

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