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  • Dedicated to TAW YALLA


Sunday afternoon ,Ellie and I  where lazing around on the swing behind our hostel trying to figure out where our boring life was headed. We had absolutely nothing to do and studying was never an option ,our breaths were frequently accompanied by long sighs when Ellie just shot up straight and literally screamed ‘’DUDE THERE IS NOT EVEN A SINGLE GOOD LOOKING GUY HERE ….LEAVE GOOD LOOKING THERE IS NO ONE  NORMAL OVER HERE.’’ I smiled and replied “tell me about it.”In a very sarcastic way.

It had been almost four months in this school and though we were quiet comfortable here, there was always some or the other thing missing from our life and we hated that fact. The food was an all-time low and the teachers were a pain in the ass, they had a problem with everything from knee length skirts to sleeveless tops,. From talking too less to talking a lot with the boys. There was always an inside joke about this fact that the teachers believed that saying ‘’Hai’’ to a boy would make any girl pregnant and we hated the owlish looks they gave us. Despite the stern looks and strictness every girl in college had a secret relationship and they lived to tell the tale. They passed secretly coded letters to their so called lovers and if Tom cruise was to cast people for another mission impossible he would definitely pick these girls. The dark corridors and badminton courts where also used as bedrooms and then there was me an all in all single for life kinda person.

“Dude they all have boyfriends and girlfriends, we seem to be the only people who have high standards” I said and she laughed with her high pitch voice. “Don’t forget bloody mike ,he ruined my reputation and dating standard that fucking cheapo” Ellie said and gave a long sigh. After a moment of silence I calmly said “Ellie he never deserved you and you know that besides I bet he will never forget that punch” I said and we both laughed together. “oh! And the next time you like someone please make sure I am the first one you will tell” I say in a joking manner. She smiles widely “I promise I will” and she punches my thigh and laughs loudly “ouch! What was that like a promise punch” I say and she continues to laugh

“well on that note ,the first one to reach the hostel gate gets the other ones egg at dinner” with that she takes off leaving behind a trail of laughter “hayyyy! That’s not fair I wasn’t even ready” I scream and try to catch up. “you bitch! I am not giving you my egg” I say breathless on reaching the steps of the hostel .

We both look at each other and burst into fits of laughter, she says “THAT SOUNDED SOO FREAKING WRONG…I DON’T WANT YOUR EGG SAVE IT-.

“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwww ellie screw you , you total idiot” and we laugh our way to the room.

The loud knocking on my door wakes me up,I sit up straight and try to figure out how long I was  knocked out on the carpet. The wetness of my clothes seemed to have dried up a bit suggesting it had been quiet a long time. Another bang on the door pulls me to my feet and I open the door .

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