The cold

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'Please, let me be', I heard Marianne say as I entered the cottage of the Dashwood's. I just came back from a ride and I was still dressed in pants.

'What's the matter with her'? I asked.

'It's Mr Willoughby, he had to go to London'.

'Did he? I couldn't care less', I shrugged.

Later that day, we all had day in. I was sitting on the ground, drawing in my notebook. Marianne looked out the window. To be honest, it ticked me off, she's so stubborn sometimes.

'Oh, if only this rain would stop', Mrs Palmer, pleaded.

'If only you would stop', Mr Palmer mumbled. Mrs Palmer and Mrs Jennings laughed.

'It was you who took her off my hands, Mr Palmer and a very good bargain you made of it too, Miss Marianne, come play around with us, looking out of the weather would not bring him back'. Micheal came and sat next to me.

'Your good at that, drawing'.

'Thank you'.

'How are you feeling'?

'Fine', I lied.

'Yes, tell us all'. Mrs Palmer's words shook me from my thoughts and I directed my attention to her.

'We were talking of London, ma'am, all of its diversions'.

'Do you hear that, Charlotte'? Mrs Palmer stood up and ran to Mrs Jennings, excited. 'While you were so busy whispering, Charlotte and I have been coming up with a plan'.

'Oh, its the best plan in the world', Mrs palmer added.

'I make for London shortly and I invite you, Lucy and both Mrs Dashwood to join me'.

'London'. That cheered Marianne fast.

'Oh, can I come and (y/n) too, please mother', Margret pleaded.

'You know perfectly well you're too young'.

'Oh please can I go, I'm 12 soon'.

'Mrs Jennings, you are very kind but we can not possible leave our mother', Elinor explained.

'Oh, your mother can spare you very well'.

'Of course I can'.

'Of course she can'.

'I couldn't be more delighted and (y/n), will you be going? I'm sure you can see your father on the way'.

'Well, that is if Mrs Jennings invites me, Mrs Dashwood'.

'Of course you're invited, dear'.

When we arrived to Mrs Jennings house, Marianne already had a letter in hand to send to Mr Willoughby. Marianne constantly went to look out the window. It annoyed me, Marianne was never like this before she met that Mr Willoughby.

I was having tea with Marianne and Elinor when we all heard a knockout the door and voices. Marianne got up from her seat and walked to the room door.

'Oh, Elinor, it is Willoughby, indeed it is'.

'Your imagining things, Marianne', I told her, earning a slap from Elinor. The door opened and Brandon came in. Marianne had the look of disappointment on her face. I choked on my tea. I found the situation funny. Elinor glared at me.

'Oh, excuse me colonel'. And she left the room in a hurry.

'She was extremely excited, wasn't she'? I laughed a little. Elinor slapped me.

'You've had a drastic change in your personality'.

'It is caused by my father's urgent leave'.

'Miss (l/n), there's a letter for you', the maid told me.

'Is it from my father'? I stood from my seat.

'Not quite, ma'am'. I frowned and tilted my head but nevertheless, I took the letter.

'Excuse me, Brandon'. I went to the other room, opened the letter and read it out loud to myself. 'Dear Miss Brown, blah blah blah, we are sorry to announce that your father, Mr Mark Brown, was pronounced dead yesterday afternoon...' My voice trailed off. I read the letter again to make sure I was reading it right. 'Pronounced dead... pronounced dead'. 

The words repeated over and over in my head. My head started spinning.

'Miss Brown'. The was a knock on the door. I opened it to the same maid. Behind her was Brandon, about to head out but he stopped and looked my way. 'A package for you, ma'm'.

I took the package and wasted no time in ripping the brown paper. Inside was clothes. The clothes my father left wearing. A tear fell down.

'Forgive me, I must return home'.

'Miss (l/n), what is it that happened'?

'Sorry, forgive me colonel but I must leave'.

I took a carriage back to my estate. The tears that I tried so hard to hold back just flowed down my face. My last wish was to come with him, if I did, all this probably would of never happened.

I spent time at my estate with less and less sleep, pacing my room, eating less and less until nothing at all. Spending cold nights outside even if it was raining out. I became a mess.

The Dashwood's soon returned to their cottage. They heard of my fathers passing and were very sorry for me. The would invite me over whenever they could.

'Who's that from'? I asked Marianne, pointing the the new broth in piano.

'From Micheal Ferris'.

'That's nice of him, I hope he makes you happy'.

'Oh very much'.

Marianne recently became court with Micheal and I didn't mind that one bit. Micheal was nothing more than a friend to me.

'I will take a walk'.

'Oh don't, I think it is going to rain'.

'It will not rain'.

'Marianne says that and it always does and you will become more sick than you already are, spending all those night out in the cold'.

'I will keep to the garden, don't fret'.

As I walked further into the garden, it became more windy and cold. I no longer was in the garden of the house but further. It started to rain but I didn't mind. I stood a good distance from my estate, thinking of my father.

~Brandon's POV~

I looked for Miss (l/n). Miss Dashwood said she went for a stroll in the garden but I still could not find her. It was pouring and it is cold, I worried for her. Miss Marianne didn't fail to mention to me about how she was coping. Yes, I found of her fathers passing.

'(y/n)'? Her horse was still in the stable. 

I looked everywhere, then seeing her up a hill in the distance, a little while away from her estate. She collapsed on the ground. I wasted no time coming to her aid.

Her skin was freezing cold to the touch. Without hesitation, I picked her up and started down back to the Dashwood's. She was absolutely drenched. When I entered the cottage, the Dashwood's came running over, Mr Micheal was here also and took Miss (l/n) from my arms.

'She's not hurt but we must get her warm'.

A doctor was called in for her the next day. Much anxiety ensues within me, pacing the hall and walking be the room she stays in.

'You will wear yourself out colonel', Mrs Palmer told me as a paced once again. 'Do not worry, a day or two would soon set her to right'. 

'You can rely upon Harris, colonel, I never found a better physician', Mr Palmer told me. The doctor came in.

'What is the diagnosis'?

'It is an infection fever, it has taken far more serious hold that I would of expected in one so young'.

For a heart wrenching two days, (y/n)'s situation has not changed. I grew more anxious by the hour. She hasn't woken up in these past days but I hoped for her speed recovery.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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