Mr Willoughby✔️

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I got up early this time, I put on a dress and a nice blue hooded cape.

I got up early this time, I put on a dress and a nice blue hooded cape

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I headed out to the lake and we met the other Dashwoods

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I headed out to the lake and we met the other Dashwoods. Margaret made me play with her before a went to Marianne and helped her.

'You need a knife Mari, it's too hard to rip it off, here'. I took a knife from the strap on my leg and handed it to her. A knife was handed to me, I took it.

'Thank you, I haven't really properly introduced myself, (y/n) (l/n)'.

'Colonel Christopher Brandon'. He bowed his head. 'So you can hunt'?

'My father took me since I was 12'.

'Then your a good shot I believe'.

'I believe so'.

'Nice talking to you'. He got up from his crouching position.

'And you'.

After we came all came to my home to the garden to eat. I sat on the grass, leaning on my horse. He was laying down. I was reading while I ate an apple. Jewel came running to me.

'Hey boy'. I rubbed his belly.

After a while the Dashwood's went home. My father talked with the colonel.

'Father, I'm going to the Dashwood's place', I yelled over to him.

'Of course sweetheart'. I got up and so did my horse and Jewel.

When I came to the cottage, Margaret and Marianne came out.

'Where are you two going'?

'For a walk', Marianne replied.

'But it's going to rain', Margaret complained.

'I coming with you then'.

All three of us walked in the meadows. Margaret kept complaining.

'There's some blue sky, let us chase it', Marianne said and she ran down hill.

'I'm not supposed to run'. I laughed at Margaret. I watch over Marianne and she fell, rolling down the rest of the hill.

'Marianne, are you okay'? I asked, kneeling down beside her, it started raining.

'Get some help'. Margaret ran somewhere to get help.

'Margaret... Margaret, watch out'. She screamed. A man on a horse ran to where we were.

'Are you hurt'? The man kneeled down.

'Only my ankle'.

'May I have your permission to see if there any breaks'. Marianne nodded.

'It is not broken, now, put your arm around my neck'. She did so and lifted her up. 'Allow me to escort you home'.

When we got back to the cottage, the man laid Marianne on the couch.

'Sir, I couldn't even begin to thank you', Mrs Dashwood told the man.

'Please don't think of it, I honoured to be of service'.

'Please will you not be seated'.

'If you excuse me, I have no desire to leave a watermark but permit me to call tomorrow afternoon and inquire after the patient'?

'We shall look forward to it, I will show you out'.

'His name, his name', Marianne whispered. I rolled my eyes. Mrs Dashwood came back after a while.

'What an impressive gentleman'.

'He lifted me as if I was no more than a dried leaf', Marianne said.

'Is he human', Elinor said, sitting beside. Elinor told Margaret to get a cold compress and she left to the kitchen.

'Did you see him, he expressed himself well did he not'? Marianne began.

'Great decorum and honour'.

'And spirit, wit and feeling'.

'And economy, ten words at noon'.

'And he is to come tomorrow'.

'Marianne you must change you will catch a cold', Elinor said.

'What care for a cold if there's such a man'.

'And what do you think of the man (y/n)'? Elinor asked.

'His not the one for me, I will tell you, I'll be here tomorrow afternoon'.

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