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The next morning, I went hunting with my father. We were hunting until the afternoon.

'I have to go father', I told him.

'Alright sweetheart'. I left with Jewel by my side. I changed into a dress before heading down to the Dashwood's.

'How's the ankle Marianne'? I asked.

'Better, we were just talking about Mr Willoughby with Sir John'. A knock was at the door.

'Come in', Elinor said and colonel Brandon came in with flowers. The colonel handed the flowers to Marianne and she gave it to Elinor.

'I will be out with Margaret'. I bowed to the colonel and headed out.

'Ahhh... don't do that Margaret'. She came from behind me, laughing. 'You gotta stop scaring people'.

'What happened? How come your not inside'?

'I don't know, I just got a feeling'.

'Afternoon, m'lady'. I turned my head to see Mr Willoughby.

'Afternoon, Mr Willoughby'.

'Is Marianne alright'?

'Yes, she's inside, same place you left her'. He bowed and left.

'Miss (l/n)'.

'Colonel'. Margaret giggled and went off . I rolled my eyes.

'Had a good day so far'?

'Yes, though I've been hunting all day till now'. The colonel stopped and stood in front of me, holding a rose. I took it and he smiled. 'I love roses'.

'I know'.

'You know, do you'?

'Your father may of slipped the information about you'.

My father then showed up on his horse and with my horse, he gave me a wink and looked at the colonel. I frowned at him.

'Come on sweetheart, will go for a ride before dinner, you don't mind if I steal my daughter colonel'?

'Not at all'. I curteyed to him and he bowed. I mounted my horse and whistled for Jewel. He came out. I took one glance at the colonel and then rode off.

'So what did you say about me father'? I asked him.

'Well, I might of mentioned your likes and dislikes, your age, oh and that your single and free'.

'What are you trying to do'? I laughed. 'He looks more interested in Marianne'.


'I mean he gave me a rose, she got a whole bunch of flowers'.

'Someone's jealous'.

'I'm not jealous, I'm just telling you'.

For dinner, we spent it with the Dashwood's. Mr Willoughby and colonel Brandon were there too. I was reading on the floor near my father on the couch, sneaking glances at Brandon.

He looked at Marianne who was drawing the shadow of Mr Willoughby. My father saw where I was looking and reached for my hand.

'You okay'?

'Of course, never better, I assure you'. I gave him a forced smile. 'I will ride back home'. I got up.

'Are you sure'?

'Quite father'. I walked to the door.

'Where are you going'? Margaret asked me.

'Home actually, I don't feel well, I guess that's how you can put it'.

'I will escort you', Brandon said getting up. I smiled, it quickly faded when he took a glance at Marianne again.

We galloped our horses toward me and my fathers estate.

'Feel any better, now that you have fresh air'?

'Not quite colonel'.

'You seem... bothered'.

'Is it really that obvious'? I nervously laughed. 'I assure you, I never felt better'. I rode ahead of him. Muttering to myself and sighing.

When I reached my house, I got off my horse. The colonel did the same.

'You seem close with lady Margaret'.

'She's like a little sister to me'. I opened the door for him and we stepped inside.

'Miss Dashwood and Miss Marianne'?

'There like sisters to me too, Elinor a sister that takes care of me, scolding me when she has the chance and Marianne, Margaret always says that I'm better than her but it's really Marianne that's better than me, I wouldn't be surprised if she marries before me'. He bowed to me.

'Goodnight, Miss (l/n)'. I forced a smile, saying it back and he left. I lay on the couch, slowly drifting of to sleep.

Colonel Brandon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now