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I laughed as an annoyed Isaac came and stood by me.

"This is bullshit" he muttered.

"Ah come on, it's just a bit of running" I grinned.

"Pace yourselves!" Coach shouted as everyone set off. "Come on!"

"Come on, Lahey" I called out to Isaac turning around to shoot him a teasing smile.

"I hate you so much" he mumbled.

I laughed and sprinted off, zipping through the trees. Once I was pretty much out of sight, I stopped to catch my breath.

Someone wrapped their arms around my waist and I smiled, realising it was Isaac. "Boo" he whispered in my ear.

I turned around with a giggle.

"Wow, I'm surprised you actually managed to catch up with me" I smirked.

"I think you underestimate my abilities" he said, pulling me closer towards him.

"Oh, is that so" I said, a teasing smile playing at my lips. "Well, how about a little race"

"What a great idea. I'll even give you a head start" he said with a smug smile.

"You sure you're not the one that needs the head start?"

"We'll see" he released his hands from my waist.

"I'll meet you by that tree over there. Prepare to lose" I shot him a wink and took off sprinting.

I could hear Isaac's footsteps getting closer behind me so I pushed on further.

Once I reached the tree, I stopped catching my breath.

I laughed to myself. "Looks like I beat you Lahey"

"You sure about that?" I turned around to see Isaac appearing from behind the tree.

"How the hell did you-?"

"Told you not to underestimate me" he grinned.

I shook my head as I leant my back against the tree.

I heard footsteps again and stepped forwards to see Scott running up the trail.

"Wondered where you'd got to" he said.

I laughed but it cut short when I spotted the twins.

Isaac started to growl.

"Isaac" I warned.

"It's them" he said through gritted teeth before taking off after them.

"Isaac, wait!" Scott and I yelled, running after him.

"Isaac!" I shouted, rounding a corner to see the twins holding my boyfriend so he couldn't move.

"Ethan, I always forget, how many bones in the human body?"

"I don't know" Ethan replied with a laugh. "Let's count"

I jumped forwards punching Ethan straight in the face.

"That's one, bitch"

Isaac jumped up and Ethan set his jaw back into place.

All four of us growled and prepared for a fight until a scream cut us off.

Scott, Isaac and I immediately sprinted off in the direction it came from.

We stopped by Stiles and my mouth dropped open in shock.

A man was tied up against a tree, his injuries showing the wounds of the threefold death.

"Hey, get out of the way. Get back" I heard sheriff Stilinski yell to the big group of people.

Warzone » Isaac Lahey [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now