Q&A - Answers!

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If you had to be stuck on an island with one person for the rest of your life who would it be and why?

Well if I had to survive on the island then I would probably take Bear Grylls let's be honest 😂

But if I had a magical power that meant I didn't need survival skills or whatever then I'd probably take my best friend because it would be way more fun.


Basically, binge watching TV shows. I love reading and I play the piano too.

Have you met anyone famous?

I've met Jordan Banjo (from a dance group called Diversity), Kingsland Road (group on The X Factor UK in 2013), Joe Sugg (Youtuber) and Erin Lange (author of Butter and Dead Ends)

Favourite food?


Favourite movie?

Ugh there's so many to choose from.

I LOVE DISNEY MOVIES (especially Finding Nemo and The Little Mermaid)



21&22 Jump Street


Fast and Furious


The Notebook

The Breakfast Club



I've probably left out loads but yeah they're some of my faves.

Favourite Book?

Oh my god this might be one of the hardest ever questions I've been asked.

Well, I love books. I read a lot. And it's kinda impossible to pick a favourite so I'm gonna list a few.

•The 5th Wave - Rick Yancey (I actually adore this book I definitely recommend it. Also, it's being made into a movie)

•The Death Cure - James Dashner (yes I do hate it too because of a certain scene but overall I think it's my favourite book in the series)

•Ten Things We Shouldn't Have Done - Sarah Mlynowski (I actually read this in one whole sitting it was that amazing. If you like the whole teenage romance/comedy genre then this is an extremely good book to read)

•Switched - Amanda Hocking (I read this a couple of years ago but from what I remember it was pretty damn awesome)

To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee (A really good classic)

•All the Harry Potter books - J.K Rowling

I totally recommend all of those listed.

Favourite song?

Okay, wow that's a tough one.

I reckon my two all time favourite songs have got to be:

•The Scientist by Coldplay because it's such a beautiful song and it reminds me of Scallison.


•Start of Time by Gabrielle Aplin because 1) stydia and 2) I absolutely fell in love with it when it was played for the kiss

But right now my favourite songs I'm listening to are probably

• Couldn't Stop Caring - The Spiritual Machines
•Let It Go - The Neighbourhood
•And the World was Gone - Snow Ghosts

If you haven't listened to them please do they're fab.

What music do you listen to?

Well I absolutely adore

Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, Panic! At the Disco, The Neighbourhood, Starset, Coldplay, 5SOS, Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran.

But I mean I do listen to a lot of music so I fall in love with a lot of songs and bands.

And I guess One Direction are pretty cool too ;)

Favourite character in Teen Wolf?

You know, don't judge me but I'd probably actually say Peter.

Idk he's just such a comical villain and Ian plays him amazingly.

Obviously, I adore Isaac and Liam.

Lydia is my queen.

I love Scott and Allison too.

I really liked Erica too for some reason?


God it's so hard to pick a favourite.

Favourite actor and actress?

Jesus I have so many. I'll just list some of my faves.

•Dylan O'Brien - not just because he's gorgeous but he's an amazing actor.

•Holland Roden - she's basically my whole existence. She's my queen.

•Daniel Sharman

•Thomas Sangster

•Johnny Depp

•Jennifer Lawrence

•Emma Watson - don't even get me started on Emma she's just amazing I can't even.

•Will Smith - he slays

•Joseph Morgan

•The whole teen wolf cast tbh

I could go on but I fear I've already written too much.

What other TV shows do you watch aside from Teen Wolf?

Oh my god okay here I go.

Well shows that have already been and gone that I have watched include:

•Lost (I adore this show oh my god it was my life)

•Heroes (I haven't actually finished it yet but it's amazing)

I think that might be it everything else I watch is still going.

Okay, are you ready for this.

•The 100
•The Originals
•TVD (I gave up on it after 5 episodes though oops but I might come back to it)
•Once Upon a Time (I've only watched the pilot so far but I guess that still counts right)

Top three favourite ships from any TV show?

Oh my god okay there's so many to choose from but I'm going with:

1. Stydia
2. Klayley
3. Clexa


Thank you to:





For your great questions.

This was actually really fun, I might do more of these.

Next chapter should be up either tomorrow or Monday my lovelies x

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