Let you go

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Two updates in one day are you proud.

I didn't want to update this because it's the last chapter but anyway enjoy.

It's kinda short but I think you'll like it ;)


I paused as I stepped into school.

I could see Allison's locker.

And suddenly everything came back to me.

From the first time we met.

To the times me, her and Lydia spent together.

The laughs.

The smiles.

The fights.

Until her final words echoed in my head.

I turned around, to head back outside, but I crashed straight into someone.

I couldn't be bothered to argue with them so I tried to push past.

"Wait! Shay!" It was Scott.

I blinked rapidly, coming fully out of my trance.

"What's wrong?"

"Isaac. He's leaving with Argent. They're going to the airport. You need to stop him"


Before I could protest he had grabbed my arm and was pulling me out of the building.

"Come on!"


You know those cliche films when the character is running through the airport trying to stop the one they love from leaving?

Yeah, I literally felt like I was in one of those.

I spotted Chris and Isaac ahead and Scott and I ran faster.

They were about to go through the barrier when I stopped and shouted.


They, along with many other people, turned to look at us.

"Wait a minute please" I said more quieter, as I stepped towards them.

"I'm not going to stop you from leaving. I'm not going to beg you not to leave. Part of me never wants to see you again. But then I remember everything we've been through. The things I felt when I was with you. You were my first love, Isaac. And no matter what, I will always love you. If you want to go, then fine. Maybe it is for the best. So if you want to leave, then do it because I care about you Isaac. And that's why I have to let you go"

He stared at me for a moment before pulling me by the waist and placing a gentle and sweet kiss on my lips.

We pulled away and he wiped away the single tear that had fallen from my eye.

"I will always love you, Shay. Thank you for letting me go" he whispered.

His hand brushed against mine as he and Chris looked between Scott and I.

"Do you really have to go?" Scott asked.

"I need to get out of here. France is a way of escaping" Argent replied.

"I need to get out of here too" Isaac said.

Argent glanced down at his watch and then back up at us. "We need to go. Take care guys" Chris nodded at Scott and I.

Isaac gave Scott a bro hug and me a short but sweet one.

"Are you ever coming back?" I asked him.

"Honestly? I don't know. Only time will tell"

After saying our goodbyes, Isaac and Chris hesitantly turned away and walked back towards the barrier.

Scott and I stared after them as they disappeared.

He had almost gone completely out of sight when Isaac turned around and smiled at me.

I nodded and smiled back.

And then he was gone.

Scott turned to me and frowned.

"You let him go?" He asked.

"It was for the best"

"You still love him?"

"Yeah, I do. But our time is over"


I placed the single red rose on her gravestone.

I smiled as I read the word 'Warrior' underneath her name.

"I remember the day we first met. I walked into you and instead of yelling, like I probably would have done, you offered to show me around. I didn't know we would become such close friends. Maybe me becoming so close with Scott played a part in that. You knew I was a werewolf, I knew you were an Argent. Yet, still we remained close. I guess sometimes combinations you don't think would work together, actually do" I bit my lip, running a hand through my hair. "I admired you. I still do. You were fearless. Incredibly badass. I know we fought, over a guy. How pathetic is that? But then again, we let go of that. You saved me. You saved Lydia. Scott. Stiles. Isaac. You saved us all. You're a hero, Allison. And I'm never going to forget you. No matter what. I love you, Allison Argent"

I took one last look at her marble white gravestone and at the single red rose I had placed carefully next to it.

And then I walked away, trying so hard not to look back.

We've won the game. It might not entirely feel like it, but we have.

I've lost a lot but I've still got my friends.

And I'm going to fight for them no matter what because along with Derek, they're all I've got.

It's time to let go of the past now.

We may have ended something.

But this is just the beginning.

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