Evacuation Day

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I stand on the platform surrounded by loads of other children. I spot my teacher, Miss Hayes stood amongst everyone. She is ushering me onto the train but I simply grip onto my mum's hand tighter. My mother has tears in her eyes and so do I. I am amongst the oldest of those evacuating. Most of them are too young to really understand what is happening, they mostly just think it's a school trip, but I know. And that makes it all the worse. Knowing that when I leave, I will be safer but it may be the last time I see my mother. It may be the last time I feel her gentle touch. The last time I tell her I love her. I turn to her with a teary gaze. "Mum, I don't want to leave you." I say because I want to go, of course I do, it's safer, but I don't want to leave her here.

"Oh, sweetie, it's okay. You'll be safe over there and I'll be happier knowing you're not in danger." She tells me and wipes away the few tears that have trickled down my face. "We'll be okay, alright Hun?" She whispers as she pulls me into a tight embrace. I cling onto her for as long as I can. "You have to go, Daniel." She says as she pulls away and I nod shortly.

"I love you, stay safe." I tell her, tears still dribbling lazily down my flushed cheeks.

"You too, I love you so much, Daniel." She pecks my forehead before ushering me onto the train. I take one last look at her through the window until the train begins to pull away and eventually, she's gone. I stand at the train door for far too long before making my way down to one of the compartments. I slip inside one that had a few boys around my age.

"Oi, Faggot, what are you crying about?" Sam sneers as I take s seat.

"Shut up, Sam." I mumble, wiping my eyes.

"What did you say to me?" He growls, leaning over from his seat opposite me and grabbing my shirt collar.

"Daniel, I need a word." Miss Hayes interrupts from the doorway, her Irish accent ringing out gently, showing I'm not in trouble. I like Miss Hayes. She is quite young and very nice to everyone. Me especially. I get up and follow her out of the compartment and into a different one.

"Thank you." I whisper as she ushers me into the seat opposite her. It's a window seat which I am thankful for.

"It's not a problem, Dan, you'll be happy to hear you're going to a different village from them other boys." She tells me and I grin back. Maybe I don't have to put up with all of the bullying anymore. Maybe this is my escape. At last.

"Where about am I going, Miss?" I ask politely, glancing out the window as the city landscape begins to thin out, fields becoming visible in the distance.

"Up North, you'll be going to Rawtenstall in Lancashire." She informs me and I nod. I'm not the greatest at Geography but I know which way is North and which is South. "I'm sure you'll love it. You'll be staying with Mr Lester. Usually people take on a couple of evacuees but unfortunately Mr Lester was unable to do so."

I'm happy about this. I really don't get on with kids my own age and at least now I can have some privacy. Even if it is some old man who was too old to go to war. "How old is he, Miss? Not to be rude or anything." I add quickly.

"20, I believe." She says it like its nothing but it makes me confused.

"Why isn't he in the war then?" I ask curiously.

"I think you'll understand when you meet him." She smiles gently at me before pulling a paperback book out of her bag. She shows me the cover. Alice in Wonderland. Miss Hayes is always giving me books to read because I'm not very good at reading. There was an... incident last year that left me a little sensitive to the world. Um, I'll explain it later. I don't want to cry. But basically, it left me unable to read or write and a lot of facts I used to know are just a blur to me now. "I think you'll like this one." Miss Hayes says and she hands me the book.

I open the first page and slowly begin to read. It takes me ten minutes to finish the first page and even though it's taken me forever and it's only just started, I already like the way it's written and it encourages me to read on. By the time I finish the first chapter and a half, which was a lot considering how many pages are in each chapter, we arrive at my destination. There are only a few of us that get off in this village and as soon as I'm out in the open air, I realise how small the place really is.

It's different from back home. The buildings aren't all squished together and there are trees and fields everywhere. There are a lot of adults; women, elderly people and some teachers. They're all standing just outside the train station and we approach them slowly. Miss Hayes doesn't leave the train. "Aren't you coming?" I ask hesitantly.

She frowns at me. "I'm sorry, Daniel, but they don't need anymore teachers here, I'm going to a different village."

"Oh." I say glumly. "Do you want your book back?" I ask, indicating the book in my hands.

"No, it's yours to keep." She tells me with a small, pitying smile.

"Thank you, Miss." I smile back. "Bye."

"Goodbye, Daniel." She says as she steps back into the compartment. I wait as the train pulls away, watching her through the window. And then, just like my mum, she's gone.

And now I'm just standing on this platform. Completely alone. Just waiting to be taken to a place with a stranger. In a place I don't know and a way of living I'm not used to. And I'll tell you a secret. I'm so scared.

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