Warming Up

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The next morning, I wake up to an empty room and it's freezing. I look out the window to find that it is snowing. Great. It's so cold and the thickest thing I have is my school jumper. I curl up in bed and pull the blankets as tight as I can around myself. However, as soon as I curl my back, I wince and hiss in pain. Oh wow, that hurts like hell. I try to sit up and manage to but my back really hurts.

"Phil?" I call out, hoping that he is already awake.

A few moments later, Phil wheels into the room wearing a thick jumper and with a blanket draped across his lap. "Yes, Dan?" He asks, wheeling closer to my bed,

"My back, it really hurts." I say, wincing as I attempt to move once more.

"You poor thing." Phil says and pushes me back so that I'm lying down. "Don't worry, you can rest here today and get nice and healthy, you can start your tutoring with Sophie as soon as you're better."

"Thank you." I whisper before closing my eyes and trying not to think about the pain in my back. Suddenly, I feel hand around my ankles and my feet are no longer under the blanket. I shoot my eyes open to see Phil taking off the bandages that are around my legs. He has clean bandages on his lap. "Oh." I say to myself before propping myself up on my elbows to watch him.

"Dan, you're feet are freezing." Phil comments as he redressed the cuts on my legs.

"I know." I murmur. I desperately want to ask for another blanket or one thing but I don't want to seem rude.

"Why don't you come and sit in the living room, I've got the fire on so its nice and toasty." Phil says as he finishes bandaging my legs.

"Okay, thank you." I say and sit up, wincing again with the effort the movement takes.

"Take it easy." Phil says before he gets up and picks me up. He sits me in his wheelchair and puts both his and my blanket over me.

"Phil, no, you need this wheelchair." I say, attempting to get up but he just pushes me back down.

"Not as much as you do right now." He says and pushes me through to the living room. He sits the chair right next to the fire, next to large red armchair which he settles himself into. There is a small blanket over the back of the armchair which he pulls over himself, curling up for warmth. I smile at Phil as he closes his eyes before closing my own eyes and leaning back in the wheelchair, the extra blanket and fire warm me up almost immediately.

"Dan?" Phil practically whispers.

"Yes?" I say, not moving from my position or opening my eyes.

"I'm cold." He says.

"Here." I say and hand him one of the blankets I was using.

"Thanks." He whispers.

"Welcome." I murmur.

"Dan?" He says again.

"Yes?" I repeat.

"I'm still cold." He tells me.

"Here." I say and hand him the only blanket that was left on me.




"Phil, I'm not going to strip down just so you can have my clothes." I say, pulling my arms around my self.

"Technically, those clothes are mine, I got them for you." He reminds me and I roll my eyes despite having my eyes closed. "Dan?"

"No." I say stubbornly.




"What?" I snap, turning to face him.

He smiles lightly at me. "Join me." He grins, lifting up the three blankets that are piled on top of him.

I grin back and shake my head before painfully getting up and sitting on his lap sideways. He tucks the blankets around us and wraps his arms around me while I rest my head in the crook of his neck. "This is much warmer." I comment, snuggling into his arms.

"I know." He says and gives me a light squeeze.

I think I might be warming up to this place, and especially Mr Lester.

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