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Now, a year later, Dipper has to admit to liking college life, mainly because of the little things. He likes that his mom isn't around to complain about all his dirty laundry.

He likes that he can have his classes scheduled for the afternoon, even though his dad somehow managed to guilt him into taking the morning classes instead (but having the option is still nice).

He likes staying up late, watching shows and playing video games with his roommate Jean...Not that he's been able to hang with Jean all that much the past semester.

Not since Jean started dating Ann, and spent most nights doing only God knows what with her.

But that's fine. It's cool.

Really, it is.

Dipper likes having the dorm to himself, and being able to listen to BABBA without any quips. But...When he's done with all his projects and homework ahead of schedule, and there's nothing to watch on TV and every book in his mini library read at least twice by now...

Well, it got lonely.

And it's then that he really misses Mabel.

The first few weeks were almost unbearable without her near, randomly poking him and being silly. The daily calling schedule had helped...

But soon they were both immersed in school work and clubs and making new friends and going out to parties.

Okay, so maybe it's mainly Mabel who's making tons of college friends and joining clubs and going to both the 'cool' parties "We used Twizzlers as straws and I was a total beast at Mario Party. Seriously, Dip. Uno. Uno Out!", and the 'lame' ones "Gawd, it was horrible. Everything smelled like butt, and this one girl was so drunk she puked on my shoes".

But Dipper had Jean to hang out with, so it didn't bother him too much when the daily calls turned into sporadic texts and maybe a random phone call once a week.

But now he didn't have Jean, so at night he would think of Mabel. He'd wonder what she's up to, and a need to see her face and hear her laugh and squeeze her close would wash over him.

He'd spend hours mulling over if he should call her, squashing the idea multiple times because she's probably sleeping or out with friends or doing something that made him calling her in the middle of night seem really pathetic.

But sometimes he'll get lucky, and she would call him and he can halfheartedly complain about his roommate disappearing again "What a jerk face. He shouldn't just leave you like that. Bros before...well, you know".
Like last night, she had called him just after Jean proposed setting Dipper up on a date for the umpteenth time this week.

But more often than not, she didn't call. And if he isn't able to fall asleep, his mind would venture and soon missing her laugh turns into missing her warmth when she's snuggled up next to him.

And when his blood flows south, he has to violently shake his head because God, that's just sick.

But sometimes he couldn't help it. And he was all alone in the dorm, and a box of tissues just happens to be on his nightstand next to a small bottle of her vanilla scented lotion that he had somehow accidentally packed...

Maybe he's just lonely? He couldn't possibly be into his twin sister. That's just crazy. Yeah, he's just lonely, that's all. Maybe he should accept his roommate's offer to go on a blind date.

A double date. And even if Dipper didn't like the girl, at least he would have spent the night out with friends instead of alone in his room trying to block out fleeting, unwarranted thoughts about his sister.

A Weekend Ruse (Older!AU)Where stories live. Discover now