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"Well that was dramatic, Mr. Boyfriend," Justin chuckles when the twins make it back to the table.

"Uh, yeah, sorry about that," Dipper responds automatically, not really certain how to act now. He still feels high from what just occurred outside.

However, as far as Justin knew, all that happened out there was a consoling conversation between two exes. So it would be weird for Dipper to be grinning like an idiot, right?

Should he be pretending to be sad or angry? But Mabel's still latched to his arm, leaning her weight into him, and filling his insides with tingling warmth. So maybe he should try to play it cool instead?

Yeah, play it cool. He can do that.

"And it's Dipper."

"Right, right," Justin nods nonchalantly, biting his thumb. It's then that Dipper notices his burrito, along with the cups, and food wrappings are gone. Justin stands, wiping his hands on his jeans and smiling at the pair.

He takes hold of Mabel's free hand and she slowly detaches herself from Dipper, giving her brother a sad smile as she goes to stand beside Justin.

Maybe pretending to be sad won't be such a feat after all.
"So everything's good, man? You're cool?"

Before Dipper can nod, his stomach growls loudly. Justin chuckles at the sound.

"Oh man, sorry Mr. Boyfriend's tummy. I totally just crashed your lunch, didn't I?" He fishes a ten dollar bill out of pocket, handing it to Dipper.

"Okay, how about a lunch time redux? Get some grub for you and Oinkers, and let's start this thing over."
So a few minutes later the three are back to sitting together, Dipper quietly eating as Justin talks and talks.

As bizarre as the situation is, it's incredibly easy to get through. Too easy, actually.
As Justin and Mabel laugh in the midst of Justin's story about the pigs, Mabel's bare foot snakes its way into his pants leg and up Dipper's calf.

Dipper blushes at the tiny shocks caused by the light touches, glancing at Mabel and then her not-really-fiancé. Mabel winks, a little too obviously, at Dipper.

Justin's still chatting away, none the wiser. Biting his lip, he considers returning the favor. Could Justin really be so oblivious that he wouldn't notice this happening under the table? Maybe?

Taking a sip from his new drink, he decides that he could probably get away with it. Mabel did! Dipper can be just as smooth and sneaky as his sister. Right? Of course! He can be suave. He can be slick.

So Dipper eases his foot towards Mabel, only for his foot to collide with Justin's Converses. Oh no. In the split second it takes for Justin to turn to face him, Dipper frantically slides his foot back, knee jerking and hitting the table.


He hisses as the pain stings him. The table barely even shakes, all of the impact bearing down on his bone.

"Dip, you okay?"

He nods, rubbing his shin gingerly.

"Whoa Mr. Boyfriend, if ya wanted to play footsie, you could've just asked."
The color drains from Dipper's face, and Mabel snorts out a laugh despite the slight worry in her eyes.

But there didn't seem to be a need to worry, for Justin laughs at his little joke before stealing a string of lettuce that's fallen off Mabel taco.

Did Justin really not... Did he honestly believe that Dipper's foot wasn't on its way to Mabel's? Could this guy honestly be so... Calm? Naïve? Cool? Laid back? Stupid?

A Weekend Ruse (Older!AU)Where stories live. Discover now