Chapter Three

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My fingertips brushed my lips, shock coursing through my entire body; Draco Malfoy had kissed me. A state of confusion washed over me, uncertainty clouding my mind. Did he really like me, and if so, why has he so suddenly chosen to express it? We hadn't spoken properly before the past two nights, so his kiss was all the more a surprise. My mind raced as I stood, walking back to my dormitory, my finger still absentmindedly tracing my lips which still buzzed. I hastily tugged my robes over my head and undressed, slipping under the sheets in just my underwear. I wasn't sure how to feel at all.

'Ophelia?' a small voice whispered across from me, and I turned to see Hermione facing me, her eyes piercing my own.

'Yeah?' I replied, my voice equally as quiet. Something about her expression told me she knew, yet there was no way she possibly could.

'Sleep well,' she said, her expression changing from confused to almost defeated as she turned away from me; perhaps she could tell from my cheeks, which were still extremely warm and red from blushing profusely moments before. She seemed almost sad, rather than angry, and guilt coursed through me as I recalled the slur he had thrown at her several times, which affected her more than he could possibly imagine, not that she would ever show it. I had kissed someone who had hurt my best friend so badly, and I felt awful...and yet I didn't. The kiss was not my first, however it was definitely the best I had ever had. Years prior I had kissed a Hufflepuff boy, I couldn't even remember his name, it was that lame. 

Draco was different. My hand trailed up from my side, finding its way around my neck, imitating how he had touched me. His touch alone had sent electric shocks through me, a sensation I had never felt before made me ache for him to touch me again, kiss me as he had in the common room. I had never felt this way before, and I hated that it was his touch that I craved; he was not right for me, and would hurt me, as Hermione had implied. I'm sure of it. 

I decided then and there, after a moment of hesitation, that I would not allow that to happen again, and would end all relations with Malfoy, no matter how short-lived they had been; besides, my family would detest me if they found out I was friends with, let alone making out with, the son of a renowned death eater. I shuddered at the thought of my father's temper. I pushed every thought out of my head, before falling into a deep sleep, my dreams filled with thoughts about a certain blonde boy.

Pansy shook me awake, her chestnut hair falling over her shoulder as she bent over me.

'C'mon, Ophelia, we have History of Magic in literally five minutes, we're going to be late!' her voice rang in my ears and forced me to sit up. Judging by how haphazardly her bag was filled, I assumed she had overslept as well, and I appreciated that she stopped to wake me up. We weren't overly close, but we were definitely friends. I grabbed my wand and used a cleaning spell on myself, and threw my robes on over my grey jumper. No time to go to the bathroom, I repeated the cleaning spell on my teeth, before grabbing my bag and Pansy's hand before we both ran through the corridors of Hogwarts to get to our lesson. Thankfully, Binns wasn't there yet, so we slipped to the back of the loud classroom and found our places. Hermione gave me a small smile as I dropped my bag and sat down next to her; something was definitely up, and I wasn't sure what. I would speak to her about it at some point, I told myself. Blaise strode over moments later, and shot me a friendly smile before sitting on the other side of Pansy. The class went by quickly, as I spent most of it staring out the tall arched windows at the stretch of clear blue September sky. 

My only other class for that day, Potions, had been cancelled as Snape had some sort of meeting to attend to. I was relieved, as it meant I could avoid Malfoy for longer and get a chance to speak to Hermione, who hadn't been herself all day. I walked towards my dorm, and as I pushed the door open Hermione quickly slammed a book shut and tucked it swiftly under her pillow; I only got a quick glance, but from what I could tell it wasn't any of the textbooks we were required to have for 5th year. 

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