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It was morning and I've been awaken for one hour now, while Jeno is still sleeping. I decided to put two bowls and two spoons on my table in the kitchen. For me I made a coffee and for Jeno blueberry tea, since I know that he loves blueberry. As soon as I was finished making breakfast I went in my room to wake up Jeno. He slept in my bed and I had to sleep on the sofa. ,,Lee Jeno, wake up.'', I said monoton and threw a pillow in his face. Since he didn't wake up I hit his forehead. Painfully he sat up straight in one second. ,,Ah good morning, Mr Lee'' I said sarcastic and fake smiling. ,,What the fuck happened?'' He scanned my room and looked angry at me. ,,This I'd like to ask you.'' I left the room. ,,Hurry up, I made breakfast.

,,So tell me, why am I here?'' Jeno put his empty bowl aside. I left out a sigh before I told him everything. ,,So apparently you were pretty drunk last night. You texted me and I this dumb bastard right here....'', I pointed at myself with my both thumbs. ,,had to pick you up.''
,,I'm sorry for what happened tonight.. I didn't wanted to shout at you, leave you alone in the middle of the night and also not to beg you to pick me up.'' He looked down, ashamed. Somehow it didn't seem like he'd be serious. ,,Can you please tell me why the fuck you're so mad at me these days?'', I asked him annoyed. ,,No. I just don't like you.'' He stood up and took on his jacket. ,,Ah yeah? At the begin you were nice to me. Not only the first time we met, also two months later. Just since three weeks you're a dumb, sassy bitch.'' Our discussion got louder. ,,Wow?! You call me a dumb bitch? And I never was nice! It was all just acting. And now, I go home.'' He quickly left my apartment. Also, doesn't he have headache? When I looked out of the window I actually saw how he touched his head. So yes, he has headache. But seriously, what is wrong with him? When we started acting for this drama it was all perfect, we became friends, we laughed together, it was great. But since three weeks he's weird.

After the fight today I wasn't sure if I should go to work today or not. But skipping as an actor is either good nor easy. When I came to the set, we waited a while. I don't know, 10, 20, maybe even 30 minutes and Jeno didn't come. Mr Seo came to me. ,,Hey, did something happen between you guys? Why isn't he here?'' Should I say the truth or a lie? ,,Ugh.. Okay, it's just that he's weird. He seems to not like me. Yesterday he left me alone here and later he texted me because he was drunk.'' I could see that our director didn't know what to answer. ,,Don't worry, Mr. Seo. You don't have to answer.'' He smirked. ,,You know what? You go home now and I will contact Jeno. I won't tell him, what you just said, okay? We'll continue tomorrow.''

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