T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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A few days passed since it was his birthday and today was the day on which Jisung and Chenle will visit me. I haven't seen them in a while. To be honest, it's been four or five months. We texted a lot but never really had the same schedule that we could meet.
Someone ringed on my doorbell so I went and opened the door. ,,Hii, how are you?'' Of course it were Chenle and Jisung. I hugged first Jisung and then Lele. ,,We're great. What about you? Anything new from Jeno?'' Jisung curiously asked. ,,Uhm no actually not, I just love him. Let's go in the kitchen.'' They sat down on my chairs and held hands. ,,Wow.. When are you finally gonna marry?'' Both laughed and Jisung was even a bit embarrassed. ,,Do you want coffee?'' I then changed the topic. Surprisingly both disagreed. ,,Actually, I would take a tea. Maybe.. Do you have peach?'' I looked for a second but really just a second, because I don't have much tea. ,,Yes I do.'' My younger friends both chose this.
,,So tell us, how did it suddenly went on so fast? You and Jeno? Like how did your conversation went?'' Chenle asked a bit confused and shocked. It was indeed quick. But we've been into each other for longer than just one week. ,,Where do I start? Jeno's friend, Sungchan, on the party he told me Jeno might like me and apparently he told the same Jeno because after midnight Nono started to avoid getting all those good luck wishes and came to me. Both of us were a bit drunk tho. Eventually Jeno asked me, if I really like him and so our conversation continued in a small room.'' I smirked while telling them and Jisung almost screamed. ,,Oh my god, you made out?'' I nodded. ,,Ah yeah.. in case you wouldn't believe me, here's the proof.'' I showed them the marks Jeno left on my neck and once again they clapped for me and laughed.

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